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KHDays Axel VS Xion

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Many people (including me) Have aways wondered how the fight between Xion and Axel is like, after their arguement. The Kingdom Hearts- 358/2 Days Novel has a special scene showing how to fight looked like.

(translations by Gold-Panner in live journal)


"Axel emerged slowly from the forest, heading for it.

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KEWL!! that should of been a boss battle in mission mode or somthing :D


I agree you should be able to play that fight. tough it wouldn't make sense for Xion to somehow win.(Unless they made it like the KH1 Leon fight) But I'd love to see their fight. I once played this fight in mission mode, me beign Axel and my friend beign Xion, and he somehow... won D:

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Eh, it wasn't very different from what I pictured, but thanks for the heads up, and to goldpanner for the translation.


Posting this because I've mentioned it a few times and people were asking about it. Dislike for Xion aside, this is just an example of poor writing. But then again, Kanemaki writes slash fanfiction, so >.> Roxas is also OOC. Very much so.










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Eh, it wasn't very different from what I pictured, but thanks for the heads up, and to goldpanner for the translation.


Posting this because I've mentioned it a few times and people were asking about it. Dislike for Xion aside, this is just an example of poor writing. But then again, Kanemaki writes slash fanfiction, so >.> Roxas is also OOC. Very much so.










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