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Clash of the dimensions!(A KH/Naruto/Bleach/FMA/FF:Crisis Core/Pokemon RP)

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Nero drew his sword and it cut right through Azura's sword like it was nothing. "That sword was weak, it broke because it was just weak, like I told you your weapons are to weak to even try and hit Soshiraraku is that all you have," He then grabbed her leg and threw her down. "Come on I want to see something better or is this the true power of SOLDIER guess I could only expect this much from you or do you have more show me come on Azura," Nero said. (Let me see what you are still holding back) He thought.

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Azura saw her sword.Broken in half."It broke...?Oh man.Lazard is gonna KILL ME!"Azura says.She looks at him and glares at him.She takes out the pendant.She shows it to him and a summon comes out.Unlike her superiors and partners from first class of SOILDER.her summon wasn't that huge or big.It was a wolf.Only a much bigger.But not as big as an Orca.he got on and the wolf summon jumped.She jumped and punched him directly in the face knocking him down.Azura'ss eyes were glowing cerulean blue.

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skeith looked at the fight"hmm seems they are making alot of noise he wont sleep like this .."he said as he looked back at the creature then back at them he just looked at the fight contenued ass they hit blow for blow then he just signed slowly and pated the monster "ill be back to ge4t you im going to stop them first "he started walking over to them as the monster cloused his eyes to rest he stood under them for a minute "...huh"he looked up again"so much noise"he said to his self as he claped his hands and jumped into the air he spon aorund and got in between he two as soon as they where about to light blows again then he grabed both of them and stoped them he just let his land back hair flow over his head as he looked down holdin them both ot keep them form attacking

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Nero recovered from the punch then drew his blade," Guess you hit me huh well here you go," Nero said as he redrew his sword. "Pierce the Heavens Soshiraraku," He said as his sword changed into a a two sided glowing blade. He began to swing the sword and huge energy slashes shot off the blade as it slashed. They all went after Azura one after another. They almost hit her. "Geez was that to much if it was sorry I didn't mean to go that much I thought with these limiters on I could hold back," Nero said as he put his sword back in its sheath. "If this guy hadn't had gotten in the way oh please don't be mad at me," Nero said to Azura

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Azura helded her small wound.She looked up at Nero.She now wanted to kill him for real.She saw the boy that had stopped their fight."Uh?H-Hey!What do you think you're doing?This is an official fight between a first class SOILDER from Shinra against a rebelian who is against us.I should kill him since the code says to kill anyone who's against us.Azura says.She was surpirsed by what she was saying.That was the worst part of the code witch she hated and she was using it as an escuse.She was really angry to use that code as an escuse like that.She shook her head."What is wrong with me?"Azura wonders.She had forgotten what her mision realy was.To help Shinra MAKE peace.Not create war.And to destroy those traitors that are against Shinra and want to cause harm.

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skeith moved his body a little to the side and the swords missed up then he looked at them both he didnt open his mouth for a few mintues he he stood completly up "....stay "he said lowly as he stood up for a few minutes he looked at the boy standing there with is sword drow "........."he had nothign to say he looked over at the creatuer who was breathign heavily "..he must be the one who did that ..to the little one ...."he sayd to his self"..guess this people jsut attack what ever they see that lookes evil huh" he opend his eyes they had that crazyed look to it he was looking up thorw his hair he moved his head back and was looking somewhat down with his eyes then he moved it forwards and he was looking at him

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Azura steared at the boy.She helded her head and breathed in and out.Her summon came towards her and looked at her.Her eyes changed back to normal.The energy had calmed down.She looked at the boy."Thank you for stopping the fight before we went to far."Azura says.She looks at Nero."Sorry that I acted like just an ignorant and just challenged you like that.I take my pride of Shinra seriously.And sometime to seriously."Azura says.

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"Geez you are really lucky Ms. Azura if you would have been hit by that full on you would have suffered something serious but I really didn't mean to put that much power into it I still need to work on that even at my level," Nero said as he looked at the area behind Azura which had suffered the full power of his attack and where the ground had been destroyed. "Well lets just stop this okay," He said and put his hand out to Azura.

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skeith looked at htem for a minute then he cloused his eyes again "where you the one who did that to the little one.."he asked as he started to walk over to teh creature and pet it to make sure its ok then he looked at it then into the creatures eyes "..... it seems he did hurt you ..but you didnt try to defeand your self did you"he said to it with out them hearing but he just petted it and looked back over to them as he waited for an answer from them both

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Azura looked at Nero and noded.She looke dat the boy who was petting the creature."(Is he...PETTING it?!)"Azura thinks.She stears at him."Um,well.I didn't attacked it."Azura says.Then she just looks away."(Way to make friends Azura.By making others take the blame.Even though it's the thruth...)"Azura thinks.She looks at the boy.She takes out her comunicator."Lazard.We need to talk."Azura says as she gets a little far away for the boy and Nero to have room to talk.

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Nero looks at the boy he saw him petting the creature. (How can he pet it, it is horrible thing that should not exist here anymore.) Nero thought to himself. He pulled out his phone and opened it and sent all the data he had collected back to the Soul Society and then continued to watch the boy. "Hey Azura I have to go maby we can talk again later okay," Nero said the he went through a gate that had just appeared and opened.

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Azura noded and kept talking with Lazard."What do you mean 'I have to make allies'?I know that is my job but...But I...But he...did I mentioned her broke my sword?I know...I know...fine...I will...but you better put good materia in that thing."Azura says as she hangs up.She looks back at the boy.She sighs and walks up to him."Um,I think I haven't introduced myself correctly.I'm Azura Stargazer."Azura says as she extends her hand for the boy to shake.

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keith looked abck as he saw the boy leave "..soo he was the one then he leaves like nothign happened .."he said as he rubbed the creature then opend his mouth"..do yuou think you can stand"he said ot it but all it did was wimpper then he looked at it "this will be hard i should freez up the wound tokeep the bleeding low "he said as he claped his hands and a glow came form the beast scares it had ices over he then looked over at the girl "......your a soilder right.."he said as he looked at the poor creature"just rest for now "he said ot it as he truned aournd "your is always soo kind trying not to attack people but they take it the worng way"

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Azura rubs the back of her neck."(He seems to care for the creature alot.He's...special...Shinra teached me to kill those things at site...)"Azura thinks.She looks at him."Yes.I'm part of SOILDER.I'm first class and I work for Shinra.I was snet on a mission to team up and make allies from the other dimensions.Just incase the rebels of Shinra make a massive attack along with their new allies and we needed help."Azura says.She looks down."Guess I'm not doing a pretty good job..."Azura says.

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skeith looked at the girl"...soo your a first class i could still careless yoru just a little soilder girl "he said as he truned aorund to look at her "...soo where are this allies"he said as moved his arm a little "thos woods what happened to them"he said as he looked over to the area he ahd came from where the trees where pretty much dead then he looked abck at the creature who was now sleeping "shes not that smart..most would aske about that glow but .."he said to his self as he just looked at her iwth his goggles hung from his neck with tehre tented blue

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Azura looked at him."I guess.Sometimes first class are conisdered enemies of the nation.But that's another story."Azura says."(What's up with him...)"Azura thinks.She looks around."Well.Until now.My allies are the ones of Shinra.Outside allies...none.That's why I'n trying to look for some.And a perfect one came my way and I just blew it.I just had to get angry over Shinra,had I?"Azura asks.Her summons looks at her.Azura pets it.She looks at the boy."May I know your name?"Azura asks.

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skeith looked at her for a minute "your still not answering what i asked"he said to her as he looked back over to the woods that looked dead then he looked at teh goggle with one eye as he opend it hten he looked at her and cloused it again he truend around and looked at the monster"skeith.."he said to her slowly without her mouth realy moveing but he spok to her "....and it make no differce about your soilder rank.."

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Azura looked at the woods."I don't know.They were alive just a few minutes ago."Azura says.She thinks."No way.Did the energy..."Azura says.She thinks that if her energy level was high,she could have accidentally dried the woods out of life.She looked at the boy."Skeith...I...I have no idea.Maybe it was a natural disaster or something..."Azura says looking away.She really didn't know what to think.She was afraid of her energy to get out of control.

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skeith looked at her "......hmmmm .."he said to his self as he truned his head a little and opend his mouth all of his teeth where like raser blades in his mouth all of them the same lenght but all sharp he looked aournd then at the trees again "...when i touched them htey felt draind of lire"he said to her as he moved his head then looked at the sleeping little one "..i have to get him back beofr he dies..."he said to his self then looked aournd "...how do i get him back will there should be a hid out aorund here somewhere in teh mountain"he was thinking as he looked over to her

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Azura saw him."(He really cares for that creature...)"Azura thinks.She shakes her head and gets closer to the creature.She did not touch it.She was afraid of it.She was teached to kill and live.Not to care and live.She looks around and then at her wristwatch."It's getting late.I need to get back..."Azura says.She looks up at him."Um,do you need a transport of some sort?I could leave you off at another world on my way back if you want..."Azura says trying to be nice.

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skeith looked at the girl "....no thanks.."he said as he looked at the ccreature then claped his hands togther agaist the creatuer slading it acorss the grass slowly and gently ".....seems htey did that go the treess they draind them "he said to his self as the creature sleep while he pussehd then he looked at it again and keep pushing then he claped his hands and touched the monster pushign it wiht a block of ice in his hand making it slid acorss the ground at a good speed

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Azura sighs."Man I suck at making friends..."Azura says.She takes out her comunicator and starts to talk."Hello?Stargazer here.Could you send me a helicopter so I can get back home?"Azura asks.Suddenly out of the mountains a helicopter comes flying and starts to land."Lazard!Have you been sending SOs to spy on me again?!Oh don't give me that escuse as soon as I get there you have some expleining to do!"Azura says.She puts her comunicator away and gets on."To Shinra.ASAP."Azura says.The helicopter takes off.

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After a few momments they finally get to Shinra.They land.Azura goes directly into Lazards office."Lazard.How many times have I told you not to spy on me while I'm on missions?"Azura asks crossing her arms."Now now.Don't get your energy in a twist.Here.I already have your new sword ready."Lazard says as he points at a sword."Already?You work fast."Azura says as she grabs it."Now I've been thinking...since we can't seem to beat the enemy...why don't we join them?"Lazard says.Azura looks at him."What?"Azura asks.

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Pokeon trainer

Name: Zach

Age: 15

Apperance: Dark brown hair is kept under a black cap. White shirt, baggy jeans, a regular black belt, and the shoes are converse all stars.

Brown skin.

Hometown: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh.

Pokemon: Flareon, Empoleon, Luxray, Staraptor, and a toxicroak.

Bio: Just like every trainer, he wants to be the best. When his best friend is captured by a organization known as team Galatic and is taken to the top of Mt. Cornet, he chases after them to the top. Somehow team galatic summoned Giratina, who almost killed them all. Zach sacrificed himself by taking a direct by one of its blast, and was somehow warped to a unknown world...

Side: Good

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