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Guest Dodofogo

KH Manga Language

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Guest Dodofogo

Okay, I’m confused.


I heard there were curse words in the KH mangas, but I have them. There's literally none except for a mild one that Axel says in the last KH2 volume while fighting Saix.


Did Yen Press change the dialogue when they re-released the mangas, or something?


(I do not condone profanity, nor use it myself - I’m just confused on why people are saying that the KH mangas have language when I myself have read them and found barely anything pertaining to what people claim.)

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I assume it's because of the fan translations of the manga. When fans translate from Japanese, they tend to interpret certain words as swearing, rather than localize them to fit the characters/rating. I'm not savvy on the Japanese language, but I'm under the impression that certain words that are translated as swear words by fans aren't actually as foul as people are translating them to be, like words and phrases that are considered informal or disrespectful in Japanese are translated as flat-out swearing in English, because that's kind of an equivalent.

I'm sure there are plenty people who are way more familiar with the process of translating Japanese than I am and would have a better explanation, but this is my take on it. lol

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There were a couple of 'damns' and one single 'hell' in the first run of Tokyopop KH manga, but the Yen Press editions seems to have a new translation. A lot of things were changed, like Kairi mentioning prayer, Riku Replica calling Larxene an 'Old hag', and Axel's infamous 'Hell of a show!' line. 

Long story short, yes and no. A few mild swears were edited. 

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