Felicitas 4 Posted December 21, 2010 Linteum was confused as to what Xemnas meant by him looking like Xion. Who was Xion anyways? Now that Roxas remembered Xion, he reluncantly agreed with Xemnas. Linteum did look like Xion. Xemnas didn't say anything to answer Mickey and instead decided to summon as many Nobodies as he could. That way he would have some time to look for Kairi and keep Sora and his friends from trying to get in his way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 21, 2010 As soon as Xenmas left, everybody got there Key blade's back. And people who didn't have a weapon before, such as Linteum, Selphie, and Namine, they all got weapon's, Namine got chain's. Selphie got num chuck's, and Linteum got a sword. they all fought, until They heard someone scream, it was Kairi's scream. When they got to where the scream was coming from they saw Kairi and Xenmas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 21, 2010 "Get away from her Xemnas!" Sora cried out, charging at the leader of Organization XIII. Xemnas smirked as he blocked Sora's attack with a Reflect spell, causing said teen to fly backwards. At the snap of Xemnas' fingers, Dusks appeared and formed a cage around Kairi. She let out a terrifed scream, seeing a Dark Corridor appear under the cage and made said cage sink into it. Tears rolled down her cheeks as Kairi felt fear like no other. Before anyone could do anything, Xemnas summoned even more Nobodies to keep them from reaching Kairi. Sora looked at Kairi, feeling the same fear she felt. He quickly got up and tried to hack his way through the seemingly endless sea of Nobodies. "Sora!" was the last thing Kairi managed to say before disappearing into the Dark Corridor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 21, 2010 KAIRI'S POV "where am I?" was all Kairi could say, then she recognized the place. It was the jail that she was held in when Namine came to save here. Then she heard someone walking to the cage. She got up to see who it was, it was. Saix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 "I hope you're enjoying you stay Princess" said Saix, although it was obvious he was being sarcastic which is something Kairi thought was impossible for someone like him. She glared at him intensely. "Sora will be here any minute and put a stop to whatever you goons are up to" said Kairi since that's exactly what Sora did during his last two adventures. Saix simply smirked at her. "Believe what you want" that was all he said before walking off Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 8, 2011 SORA"S POV "Where do all these things come from.?!" yelled Sora, he didn't know how he was fighting, because Saix just kiddnaped Kairi. "I donno, but.... we need to fight them, there are only 4 more!" yelled Riku Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 Roxas cast the spell Stop to keep four remaining Nobodies, which happened to be Dancers (one of the most annoying Nobodies to fight), from moving and allowed Sora and Riku to give them the final blow. Everyone left out a sigh of relief now that all the Nobodies had been defeated but now they had a more urgent priority. Rescue Kairi from Organization XIII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 8, 2011 "What are we going to do?" aksed Sora. "Um..... we could try to find out where she is." said Roxas, he was sad, but happy that Namine was still with them. KAIRI'S POV He will come Kairi thought, He will, I know it Then she heard something behind her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 Sora let out sigh, knowing his Nobody was right. They needed to know where Kairi was and he already had good idea where she was. He looked at Riku, who he knew was probably thinking the same thing. There's only one world that the Nobodies gathered to. The World That Never Was. Kairi let out a soft gasp from shock after turning around. There was a person dressed in the same black coat that the members of the Org. wore with the hoo up lying face first on the ground. "How are you and want to do what?" said Kairi, not letting her gaurd down for a second as soon as the person stood up, mumbling something under their breath. "Hey keep quiet will ya? You don't want Saix coming back." said the person before taking off the hood. Kairi's eyes widen a bit, recognizing who the person was. "Axel?!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 8, 2011 "ya, and be quit okay." Kairi nodded. SORA'S POV "Riku, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Riku turned around "Yeah." We all got into the gummi ship and went for the world that never was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 "What are you doing here?" Kairi asked the red-haired pyro. He gave chuckled a bit and gave her a smirk. "What else? To break you out of here" he said, amused by the look on her face. Kairi couldn't believe it. Axel, the one who kidnapped her before just to get to Sora, was going to help her get out. She had heard from Roxas that Axel was weird and she couldn't help but agree with Sora's Nobody. Linteum couldn't help but be amazed at the sight from outside the window. Who knew that the stars were actually other worlds? Everyone looked at him with looks of amusement, but in their eyes they were all worried about Kairi. Hopefully they'll reach The World That Never Was soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 8, 2011 "So how I'm I going to do this?' axel said wall looking at the lock. "Don't you have a key?" asked Kairi, looking up. "No, but I know where I can get one." Axel said as he left. Kairi rolled her eye's and sat down. Okay, what do I do Namine? Namine heard her and started to cry, this Roxas noticed and he didn't like that she was crying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 "Hey, Namine what's wrong?" said Roxas. He never did like it when she cried. Riku and Sora came over, leaving Donald and Goofy to drive the Gummi ship. Namine took a few deep breaths before looking at everyone. She wasn't sure how they would react if she told them Kairi just talked to her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 8, 2011 "Um... nothing." Namine said, then she got up and ran to her room, in the gummi ship. Roxas knew that it was something, "Guy's... I- I'm going to see why Namine's cryinf, you guy's can go back." Everyone nodded and walked away, as Roxas ran to Namine's room and knocked on the door. "Namine, can I come in?" Roxas ask, he was worried Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 Namine bit her lower lip, knowing that Roxas was worried about her. After a few minutes she opened the door and let Roxas in. Roxas stepped into her room while Namine closed the door. "Namine, are you alright? It's not like you to start crying for no reason" he said, his blue eyes staring into her own. She looked down at the ground, thinking if she should tell him or not. Namine let out a sigh before saying in a soft voice "Kairi managed to get in contact with me, asking what she should do " She looked up at Roxas and saw that he was relieved. "Really?! That's great!" Seeing Namine's confused look, he explained it more thoroughly. "It means she's still safe! Plus if you think about it the both of you can still communicate with each other so Kairi will be able to tell you where she's being kept and you can tell me where the place is and I'll be able to lead everyone there since I know the castle's layout the best." he said, seeing Namine's expression from a sad and confused one turn into one of absolute joy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 8, 2011 "Okay, but um...... It made me cry cause she said that Axel is trying to get a key, but he said it might take a few days, and we can't get her." She started to cry again, "And that Saix can do anything to her, and we can't stop it, he could take her heart." Roxas got sad, but for some reason, he thought she looked a little cuter when she was crying. Man I love her he thought Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 8, 2011 Roxas quickly snapped out of his daze and gave Namine a comforting hug. "Don't worry Nami. he said, using the nickname Selphie gave her after they met, "Knowing Axel, he might be able to get the key earlier than expected. And we still have my plan to use just in case" Roxas pulled away from the hug slightly an gave her a reassuring smile. "Plus you know how Sora gets when someone tries to mess around with his friends, especially Kairi" That made Namine giggle, which made Roxas laugh along with her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 9, 2011 "What are you to laughing at?" asked Sora, because he heard everything, and wasn't to happy on what Roxas said. "Oh nothing." said Roxas trying to get his laugher out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 9, 2011 "Yeah right" said Sora as he sent Roxas a mock-glare. Roxas simply rolled his eyes at his Other's. "Besides, didn't you're mom tell its rude to eavesdrop" Roxas said jokingly before realization struck all three of them as they looked at each other. "We... forgot to tell your parents along with everyone else's that we were gonna leave the Islands didn't we?" said Roxas, as Sora nodded his head nervously. "Yeah... meaning we're screwed big time when we get home." said Sora, his palm hitting his forehead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 9, 2011 "Well, we can tell them later, right now, we need to save Kairi." Said Riku looking out the window. "Yeah." said Sora. ROXAS POV: "So, namine ask her where she is." said Roxas trying to not look into big blue eye's. "Ok." said Namine Kairi where are you asked Namine, but all she got was a "HELP" it was very fant, but she could still hear it, so she brust into tears Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 9, 2011 Roxas was alarmed when Namine bursted into tears. "Namine what's wrong?!" he said, concerned about the blonde haired girl in front of him along with everyone else. "I-It's K-Kairi. She's.... she's in t-t-trouble" Namine said, stuttering because of her tears, shaking slightly. The way her Other called for help was heart-breaking for Namine to handle. Kairi's POV "Let me go!" yelled Kairi, fighting against the Nobodies that were trying to drag her out of the cell that she was in. But all that did was provoke even more Nobodies to come and eventually dragging her out with Kairi kicking and screaming for them to let her go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 9, 2011 "Namine don't cry, she'll be alright." said Roxas, but he didn't think his wrods were right. "No it's not." said Namine bursting into tears again. Then, a heartless ship flew into them. Roxas shut the door so Namine woundm't be more frighten. Then he huged her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 9, 2011 The gummi ship shook as the heartless ship fired at them. Roxas heard everyone running towards their stations that Mickey set up just in case they ever got into situation like this one, but he didn't care. Right now his top priority was to comfort Namine. "We WILL save Kairi, Namine. I promise" he said, determination obvious by his tone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 10, 2011 "Okay." she huged him back. Kair's POV "Don't no let go!" yelled kairi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 10, 2011 After a while the gummi ship stopped shaking, meaning that the attack was over. Roxas relunctantly let Namine go. "Looks like its over" said Roxas, knowing that he was stating the obvious. Namine nodded her head in agreement. "I... I'm gonna try getting in contact with Kairi again" Roxas looked at her in shock. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Namine looked Roxas in the eyes, determination written all over her face. "Yes. I am." she said before Roxas sighed and reluncantly allowing her to do so. Namine closed her eyes and focused on contacting Kairi. 'Kairi, can you hear me?' All Namine got in response was a cry for help. 'Kairi! Just listen to the sound of my voice and calm down. We're all on our way to help you' she said to Kairi, feeling relieved that Kairi was calming down if only a little Share this post Link to post Share on other sites