luckey charm 0 Posted January 10, 2011 Okay, said Kairi still a little shaky. where are you? asked Namine I'm... I'm..... I'm in the round room, sitting on the floor. Said Kairi. Namine bit her lip. Okay, what do they want with you? Then Namine started crying, "What's wrong namine?'' Asked Roxas super worried. "They want to open the door, and they need Kairi. Roxas heard this, and he called Sora, in his head. Sora, get over here right now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 10, 2011 'What's wrong?!' said the brunette to his Nobody. Sora could tell something was seriously wrong. ' It's the Organization! They're planning on opening the door to Kingdom Hearts!' Roxas responded to Sora with urgencey obvious in his voice. "WHAT?!" Sora shouted out loud, startling everyone around him and give Sora looks of confusion. "Garsh. What's wrong Sora?" asked Goofy, worried about his friend. Sora quickly told them what Roxas told him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 10, 2011 "Oh my gosh.'' said Riku. They all ran in to the room, the Namine fanted as soon as they came in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 10, 2011 Roxas was able to catch Namine before she hit the ground, worried since she just fainted for no reason. "We've got to get to The World That Never Was." Sora said seriously. "I go try and start up the warp drive" said Donald, ignoring the worried looks he got from Goofy and Mickey. "Are you sure Donald? It's pretty risky using it" said Goofy, but he knew that regardless of that fact everyone would want to get to the Nobodies home world right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 10, 2011 Donald got out befor he could say anything. "Kairi." Namine said really weak. Roxas had a worried look on his face. "Do we have any potion." asked Roxas, Sora nodded and gave it to Namine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 10, 2011 After Namine woke up, she was a bit confused. "What happened?" she asked looking around the room and seeing everyone in the room. "You fainted for no reason" said Linteum, who was still a bit shaken up by the attack from the Heartless ships earlier. Sudden Donald's voice came over the speakers. "Everyone buckle up. I'm about to engage the Warp Drive" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 12, 2011 "Okay, said everyone. Namine wipped ger face, and got buckled. "Roxas looked at Namine and saw that there was a seat next to her, and he sat down. Namine looked worried, so he put his hand on her's. "She'll be alright, okay?" NAMINE"S POV: As she heard this, she looked into his eye's, his big blue eye's. She nodded and looked away, if she didn't, she would of done something stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 12, 2011 As Kairi was pulled into the Round Room, she looked around to see thirteen thrones each varying in height. Only ten of them contained members of the Organization. It was obvious that two of the empty throne belonged to Axel and Roxas but she didn't know who the third one belonged to. Maybe Sora and the gang took care of that member. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 12, 2011 SORA'S POV: We have to find, and save Kairi, befor he couldn't think of the other words without crying. Sora looked down, then Donal said "Guys, were at the world that never was!" SOra jumped off the gummie ship, and looked at the place were Kairi was. We'll save you Kairi ROXAS'S POV: Roxas looked at Namine, he saw that she was scared. "It's okay Namine, she'll be alright, and we will to." Namine looked at Roxas when he was done, then to the ground, "Roxas, They want Kairi and me." Roxas was now frighted, what if they get Her to, he could think about it. A tear went down Roxas's cheek, this only Namine saw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 12, 2011 "Roxas, what's wrong?" Namine asked, worried for the dual-wielding Keyblader. Roxas shook his head and wiped the tear away. "It's nothing Namine. I'm... I'm just feeling a bit anxious" he said, looking down at the ground for a minute before lifting his head up again, his eyes widening along with everyone else's as a Dark Corridor opened in front of them. Everyone was on gaurded and were surprised on who came out. Roxas' shock soon turned into happiness after recognizing the person. "Axel!" he cried out, running to hug his best friend. It had been so long since he last saw him. Axel was surprised to see Roxas and everyone but chuckled at his friend's childish behavior. "Hey there Roxas. How've you been?" he asked, ruffling the blonde boy's hair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 12, 2011 "Okay, I think. And don't mess up my hair." everyonr laughed, but then Sora rembered Kairi. "Axel were's Kairi?" Axel looked down then looked up. "She's in round room, but there looking for Namine too, so be careful." Sora and Roxas looked down, then at each and other. "Come on guys, we don't have all day, lets go save the princess." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 12, 2011 Everyone started moving ahead, but much more carefully. Axel tagged along, and everyone was fine with it exept Linteum. He didn't really trust Axel, seeing that he was wearing the same coat as the ones that took Kairi. But maybe he was just being paranoid. After all, Roxas seemed pretty close to him and everyone else seemed cool with him. But still, better safe than sorry. Axel noticed Linteum glancing at him with suspicion in eyes before letting out a soft sigh. 'A guy can't a break around here can he?' he thought, while Roxas noticed his sigh since he was the closest to the red-head. "Something wrong?" Roxas asked him quietly so only Axel could hear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 12, 2011 "Linteum, I don't think he trust me." Roxas nodded, he couldn't blam him. Then they got to were they were going for. "Were here." said axel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 12, 2011 Sora looked up and saw the castle. He turned towards everyone that was there, noticing the nervous look on Namine and Linteum's faces. Roxas turned towards Namine, remembering what she told him. If they did want Namine, then his former comrades were going to have to go over his dead body just to get to her. He wouldn't let anything happen to Namine, even if it meant sacrificing himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 12, 2011 As the group walked into the castle, Roxas went to the back (Where Namine was) and saw she was still sad. "It's okay Namine, we'll get her, and you'll be Okay. Got it?" Naime looked at Roxas, Her big eye's looked into his. She smiled a little weak smile, but it still made Roxas heat melt, (If he had one) Then she broke down crying and fell on the floor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 12, 2011 Roxas immediately when to Namine's side when she started crying. "Namine?! What's wrong?!" he asked, but made sure to say it quietly, not wanting to attracted any attention from anyone other than their group of friends. Everyone was worried about Namine. Axel made sure to keep look out along with Riku to warn everyone in case some Nobodies tried to attack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 12, 2011 "Kai- kai- Kairi, they poison her." Namine said so only Roxas would hear. she was crying so hard, this made Roxas sad, but he didn't show it. "You guys go, We'll cach up." they all nodded, and left. "Namine it's-" Namine shot her head up, and looked at him with red eye's. "No, Roxas, it's not going to be okay, you told me that this hole time and look at what's happen." then she relised how mean that sounded and started crying into Roxas lap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 12, 2011 Sora ran, pushing his legs past their limits but didn't care and didn't bother to slow down so his friends could catch up. They poisoned Kairi. Xemnas is going to pay for this. That he would make sure of. Roxas bit his lower lip, holding Namine close as she continued to cry. Why was this happening? How did the Org. even come back? And what did they want with Kairi? So many questions and so little answers. It was the same way back when he was still a member of Organization XIII and trying to figure out why he was different and Roxas was getting frustrated, Bur right now he would focus on the girl in front of him crying her eyes out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 18, 2011 "I- I can't believe it, why would th-they hurt her?" Namine asked crying in Roxas's chest, soaking his shirt. He rubbed her back, and said "It's okay." every few seconds. "I mean I just don't under stand, and then after Kairi, they come for me." This to Roxas, was like someone just stabbed him in the heart, if he had one that is. Then he remember something but it was all fuzzy. Flash back: Roxas, your my best friend, that's the truth." Then her had fell "Xi" End of flash back. HE shook it off and held Namine as she cried harder, if it was possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 18, 2011 Truthfully Roxas didn't understand either, and he use to be one of them! He had thought that was something he could use to his advantage so he could figure out their next move to help Sora but it looks like it won't be that simple. Roxas then turned his thoughts towards the memory he just had. Even though it was fuzzy, he knew that it was one memory that made his chest tighten. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 18, 2011 "Namine, Stop crying please." She looked up and shook her head. What can I do to make her feel better? he thought "Namine, what can I do to make you feel better?'' She looked up te cried again. NAMINE"S POV: When he asked if there was anything he could do to make me feel better, I just wanted to say Kiss me, but I couldn't. So I started crying again. I wonder if he remembers Xi-Xi Why I couldn't remember the name I don't know, I didn't even know who I was talking about. Sora's POV: I can't believe it, the hurt Kairi, I was going to kill them. Riku was the only one that caught up with me, he was about to say something but I couldn't hear it. "What?' I asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 18, 2011 As Roxas continued to comfort Namine, he couldn't help but think about that girl in the memory. Her face was fuzzy but he could make out a few details like her black hair and blue eyes. There was also something something familiar about her eyes, like he had seen them somewhere. Or maybe... someone. Roxas glanced at Namine as he continued to comfort her. Riku rolled his eyes before repeating what he said. "I said calm down. I know you're worried about Kairi but if you just barge in there it'll only make things worse" Sora bit his lower lip, knowing that Riku was right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 18, 2011 Sora stopped running, as did Riku. "then what should I do?" Asked Sora looking at his shoe's. "I donno." said Riku doind the same. "R-Roxas, I-I'm sorry, about th-this." Namine said as she looked up at him. "You shouldn't be sorry, It's okay for you to cry." he said patting her back. "B-But were nobodies, we can't feel, or cry." Namine shuttered, and looked down. Roxas knew it was true, but he didn't really believe it. "But your different from them." As soon as he said that he wished he hadn't. "Yeah, I am, I'm a stupid witch." Roxas got mad, but not with her, but with himslef. "um.......... Hey where's the others?" asked Riku looking back. Then he saw them, man they must of ran fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted January 29, 2011 "No! That's not what I meant!" said Roxas angrily, startling Namine a little. She hadn't heard him that mad since the time she told him the truth back in Twilight Town. "Wha-" Namine started to talk but Roxas cut her off. "What I meant to say is that we're both different from other Nobodies. We were able to feel emotions even witout a heart. We met our original selves and became whole. We managed to get another chance to live our lives the way we want to live it." he said confidently, knowing what he said was true. "So don't call yourself a 'stupid witch' because that's not true Namine. You're the sweetest and kindest person I know and that's not gonna change anytime soon" Roxas smiled at Namine cheerfully, hoping that his words would help make her feel better. "Geez, you two run like an army of Darksides was chasing ya" said Axel once he and the others caught of with Sora and Riku. Linteum was panting heavily, not so used to running a long distance in such a short time. Sora scratched the back of his head sheepishly, not knowing how to respond to what Axel said. "You can't really blame them. Sora and Riku just want to save Kairi as soon as possible." said Mickey who was panting lightly like he was used to running so much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted January 29, 2011 "Thanks Roxas." Namine said looking up at him again. Man those eye's are soooooooooo cute. She thought. Roxas POV: A picture flashed in his head, it was of a girl smiling, she had short black hair and really pretty blue eye's. Sora's POV: "Hey where's Namine and Roxas?' asked Sora. Everyone shrugged. Roxas, where are you Roxas heard this and was about to respond. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites