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Bittersweet Memories (1x1 with luckey charm)

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"Okay, done soo why did you want to come with me Kairi?" Sora asked looking at there drawing's. "I donno, I just wanted to come, is that a crime?" Kairi was looking at one picture though. it was the self picture that they did when they were five. Sora noticed when he came back that she had put a 2nd paupo on the picture.

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Kairi had a small smile on her face. "Hey Sora, do you remember when we first drew that picture?" He turned towards her and chuckled slightly. "Of course I remember. It was a little bit after you can to the islands" he said, a look of nostalgia on his face. She nodded her head slightly. "Things were so much more simpler back then" he added. "No Keyblade, no Heartless and no Nobodies. Just you, me, and Riku goofing around and just being kids."

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"Yeah things were easier back then" Then he saw she put her hand on the paupo's and he was kinda nevus. "You put the Paupo there right?" Kairi said as she looked at Sora.

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Sora felt a blush work its way up to his cheeks. "Y-yeah" he admitted, remembering that he added the paopu fruit drawing the day before Destiny Islands were destroyed. A frown appeared on his face as the blush disappeared. Sora also remembered when he had entered the Secret Place and saw Kairi standing in front of the door. He would never forget the feeling of her slipping through him as if she wasn't even there.

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"I don't know if you saw but, I drew one to." Sora looked up at her, "Yeah I saw." he said blushing again, then Sora phone rang it was Riku. "Hello Riku" "Um... Sora, you and Kairi should be here the King is going to be here any second." Sora rolled his eye's. "Okay were coming" Riku hang up the phone, and Sora and Kairi was at the house in 10 min.

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"Geez, what took you so long? Were you guys making out or something?" Roxas said teasingly, chuckling as he saw Sora and Kairi's faces go red. Linteum joined in the teasing. "I don't think so. I mean I don't see any hickeys" At this Sora Kairi's faces went as red as a strawberry. Everyone else chuckled at their stuttering. Suddenly a loud roar which sound a lot an engine filled the area. Linteum looked up and his eyes went wide. What the heck was that thing in the air?

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"It's the King." Shouted Namine as she ran out side. Riku, Roxas, Sora and Kairi ran outside. Selphie began to walk then she turn around and said "Come on Linteum, I know they haven't told you like anything but I just got all the new's like 2 hour's ago, it'll be fine." Linteum nodded and they walked out.

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Sora couldn't help but grin cheerfully. It had be a few months since he last seen any of his friends from the outside world. As the Gummi Ship landed the group of teens stopped before it touched the ground. The door opened and out came Mickey, Donald and Goofy. "Sora!" cried out Donald and Goofy before running to their friend and pulled him into a hug. He let out a laugh, happy to see his buddies. "Hey guys! How've you been?" he asked, not noticing the look of shock that Lintuem had.

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"Were good." They got off of Sora and very one was talking. Linteum looked at Selphie who was right next to him, he said " A dog, and a duck, talking?" Selphie just shrugged "just go with it okay" he nodded

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It was about ten minutes before everyone was caught up with each other. But that also meant that they had to get down to business. They needed to find out why and how the Organization was coming back.

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"Come on, we can talk about this in my room." Said Sora as he lend the way to his room. They all followed but Kairi stayed behind because she felt like she wasn't a part of it. She was gonna go home but her bag was in Sora's room, so she ran in there grabbed her bag, and right when she was going to leave the King said "Kairi, your a part of this to, you need to stay." Kairi turn around. "Yeah but I got to get home, my mom might worry" and with that she left.

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Linteum saw Kairi leave. He couldn't help but feel that someone should have gone with her. Almost as if something bad was going to happen. Namine saw the look he had on his face. "Is something wrong Linteum?" she asked, turning to look at her new friend. Linteum turned towards her and shook his head. "It's nothing. Just feeling a little bit out of the loop is all" he lied, not wanting to worry everyone with his paranoia.

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As she walked out of Sora house, she felt kinda bad, 'I shouldn't of done that, but oh well.' She ran to her house, and into her bedroom, Sora might be leaving her again.



"so, If nobody's are coming up, then none of your job's are over, and if you didn't have job's, you do now." Said King Mickey. Sora was super sad, he would have to leave Kairi again, and he wanted to say something.

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Roxas looked at Sora, noticing the look on his face. Is something wrong Sora? he though to his Other, not wanting everyone else to notice the brunette's look. Sora glanced at Roxas and shook his head slightly. Not really. I just can't believe we have to leave again Sora thought back to Roxas. They had just managed to return to their normal lives but now they had to leave behind again.

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Linteum looked at Sora and Roxas; their eyes had contact with the other and by the looks on their faces it looked like they were talking. But their lips weren't moving so how was that possible? Donald in the mean time took a glance at Linteum, wondering who he was.

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Then, Riku sensed darkness, but not there, at the islands. "Someone's at the island, and there full of darkness." everone nodded and the ran over to go to the island. When they got there, they saw Xenmas. He started to speak, his voice cold and angry. "where's the 7th princess, and if you don't tell me, she will pay." everyone tried to get there keyblade's but they couldn't.

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Sora, Roxas, Riku, and Mickey all looked at each other, their expressions showing their disbelief and shock. Why weren't their keyblades appearing? Sora turned towards Xemnas, a look of defiance adorning his face. "There's no way we'd tell you were Kairi is!" he said angrily, while also wondering why Xemnas needed her unless... Sora's eyes went wide with horror. Unless he was trying to open the door to Kingdom Hearts! His friends seemed to be thinking that same thing as he was, looking at Xemnas with looks of determination. There was no way they were letting him get Kingdom Hearts

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Riku thought he might ask a stupid question, "Why do you need her?" Xenmas laughed "Well, we need kingdom hearts, and she's the key, the only one that can open it. And I figure if she with the organization, you won't fight us. Now tell me were she is, or when I find her, she will pay Big time."

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Sora clenched and unclenched his fists. He couldn't summon his Keyblade for some strange reason while one of his worst enemies was standing in front of his while threatening to hurt Kairi. What was he suppose to do?! He couldn't let Xemnas get his way, but Sora also wouldn't let him take Kairi away and use her like some puppet! Suddenly, a memory flashed through his mind. He was in Twilight Town sitting on the edge of the Station Tower but Sora had never been up there before. Sitting with him was Roxas and Axel eating sea salt ice cream while laughing at something Axel said. As fast as the memory came, it left while leaving Sora confused.

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Then Roxas got a flash as he was inside of Sora memories, but he didn't have the same flash, this was him and Xion at the Clock tower talking about Axel. The, it hit him, all the memories were coming back to him. "Your gonna use her, just like how you use Xion, and then your gonna have someone kill her aren't you?" Asked Roxas, hurt because he remember what he did to Xion, and he didn't want that to happen to Kairi.

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Everyone turned to Roxas, all of them sharing a confused and horrified look. Riku was probably the most confused out of them and suddenly, like Roxas, remember what happened during the time Sora was asleep althought it was still a bit hazy here and there. Sora really didn't understand what Roxas was talking about but hearin the part where someone would have to kill Kairi off made him furious. Meanwhile, Xemnas gave the group a smirk.


"It seems that you've managed to regain your memories of that failed replica" he said, his eyes glinting with evilly. "Don't you dare talk about her like that!" Roxas said angrily, even though it was true. Xion was a failed replica of Sora, but she was still her own person, just like he was himself and not Sora.

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"And yes, we will do that unless we can think of some other why to hurt Sora." Roxas was getting mad, Xion was like a sister to him, and he hatted that he killed her, but no one was going to kill Kairi. Then Riku got back the memories of Xion, and then he noticed that Xenmas was going to do anything to hurt Sora in any way, and that Xenmas really hatted Kairi

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"Don't think we'll let you have your way!" said Linteum and even though he was pretty much clueless on what was going on, he knew that the guy infront of him and his friends was bad news.

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''Ah...... Linteum, is that it? you look a lot like Xion, hm." Linteum was confused, but he went with it. "Now Xenmas, why do you want to hurt Sora, and what do you have against Kairi?" Asked King Mickey

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