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Bittersweet Memories (1x1 with luckey charm)

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"After what?" Linteum asked with a confused face. "Oh it's nothing, me and Kairi almost got kidnapped that's all" Sora thought that was a good cover up. They walked home, for the next 15 min no one said a word. When they got to Sora house, Sora unlock the door and they both walked in. "Mom, I'm home, and I brought a friend" Sora's mom walked down the stair's holding the phone. "Sora, you forgot your phone, you almost gave me a heart attack, who's this?" Sora rolled his eye's at his mom's words. "Mom, this is Linteum, he washed up on the beach so I said he could stay here." "Okay" said his mom. Sora and Linteum walked up to Sora's room and just started to talk. "So, Sora, how long havee you had a crush on Kairi?"

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Sora let out and exasperated sigh. Linteum wasn't gonna let this go was he? "I'm not sure, maybe around a year ago or two." he said. And it was true, Sora started liking Kairi more than a friend right around the time Riku suggested that they built that raft. "Man, try sure does fly by" Sora said nostalgicly, remembering how he, Riku, and Kairi tried to discover if there were other worlds or not.


Linteum hummed in agreement, but he wasn't really sure what Sora was refering to. He noticed a picture frame on the dresser next to Sora's bed.

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"Hey who are these people, or should i say animals?" Sora looked at the picture and grabbed it. "Oh don't worry about it", he said really nevus. "Okay, whoa is that Kairi? Man she's hot in this picture." When Sora heard this he got kinda mad

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'Calm down Sora, no need to get mad[/i'] he thought to himself before calming down. "Yeah..." he said, although he was still kinda mad. "So mind telling why there were giant animals wearing clothes in that picture?" Linteum asked, obviously he wasn't the type to let things that interest him go. "It's nothing really, just a few friends dressed up in costumes" said Sora while chuckling nervously. Linteum took the nervous chuckling as Sora being a bit embarrassed by having friends dressing like animals. "Those are some pretty convincing costumes"

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"Yeah...... um...... so you really can't remember anything?" Linteum looked down in thought. "Well I know my favorite is pizza, and I'm 15, but that's it" Sora looked down, "Oh, Hey you hungry?" said Sora looking at Kairi in the picture.

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"Yeah." he said noticing that Sora was looking at Kairi in the picture. He figured it was because Sora really liked Kairi. But the truth was, Sora was thinking about how Kairi didn't have any memories from before she washed up on Destiny Islands. The same way how Riku found Linteum.... That's when realization stuck him. It was possible that Linteum was from another world, just like Kairi.

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then they heard Sora's phone ring, but it was Kairi's ring tone (Witch was the song mine by Taylor swift). "Um.. Sora, why is the song 'Mine' a ring tone?"

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"No reason!" Sora said quickly before answering his phone. "Hey Kairi, what's up?" he asked, notice the look that Linteum was giving him before sticking his tounge out at him. "Hey Sora. I've been doing a little thinking and I wanted to tell you something really important." she said and Sora heard the anxiousness in her voice. He frowned a bit, wondering what it was Kairi wanted to tell him that was so important. "Okay what is it?" he asked. "Um.. do you think we could meet up in the park realy quick. I think it would be better if I told you in person" said Kairi which Sora responded with a quick "Ok" before hanging up.

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"I got to go" said Sora grabbing a bag. "Why?" asked Linteum with a confused face. "Kairi wants to tell me something" he said as he ran out of the bed room and off to the park

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Linteum blinked owlishly before realizing that Sora just left the room in five seconds flat. "Damn, Kairi must mean a lot to Sora if he just ran off like that" he said to himself before deciding to look around Sora's room. His room was a bit messy so there really wasn't much that caught Linteum's attettion. That is before he noticed a drawer that was half way open. He took a peek inside and saw that is had all kinds of key chains. ' Why does Sora have so many key chains?' thought Linteum while he picked up one of them.


Meanwhile, Sora got to the park and saw Kairi sitting on one of the benches. "Hey Kairi! I'm here!" he said, calling out to his best friend/crush.

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"Sora, that was fast'' she looked a little surprised. Sora was panting from all the running he had to do. He sat down next to Kairi, and she gave him a bottle if water. "So, what did you want to ask me?" asked Sora wondering. He couldn't stop staring at her.

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Kairi felt a small blush work its way up to her cheeks. "Well, I was wondering if... um... you'd consider... going out with me sometimes?" she asked shyly, while playing with her hair. Sora looked at her with a surprised look on his face. Kairi... just asked him out. He felt like jumping up and doing any of the acrobatic moves he learned on his adventures. "Yeah! I'd love to!" Sora said cheerfully, his grin glued to his face.

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"Hehe, okay um.. do you want to call me later?" asked Kairi, she felt heat rushing to her cheeks. "Um...... sure I'll call you tomorrow then" Sora said also blushing. "Okay...... talk to you then." Kairi walked up and left, then Sora heard foot step's, it was Riku. "Hey Sora, why are your cheek's all red?" asked Riku as he sat down.

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Sora just grinned at Riku. "'Cause Kairi just asked me out!" he said sitting down next to his childhood friend. Riku's eyes widened a bit before he smirk. "Well about time you two got together." he said while ruffling Sora's spikey hair. "by the way, how's Linteum doing?" asked Riku, curious out their new friend. Sora felt his grin fall, before he put on a serious look on his face. "I think Linteum might from another world."

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"What, why would you think that?" asked Riku with a shocked face. "Because, he wash up on the shore, and can't remember anything, just like Kairi, and she's from another world." Riku was about to speak when his phone rang. "Hello" said Riku as he pick up the phone. "Hi Riku It's namine, um..... your mom called me and told me to tell you that you need to get home right now." Riku rolled his eye's, "Okay" he said. He hang up the phone and said "Sorry Sora, I got to go my mom is having a fit. see you tomorrow" Riku walked off. Sora waved goodbye and started running home. When he got there, he ran to his room only to see Linteum on the floor looking at a picture album, this Sora didn't mind.

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Linteum glanced at the door and saw Sora before turning his attention back to the picture album. It had alot of pictures of Sora and his friends, but none of Namine and Roxas. Linteum figured that they became friends with Namine recently but why wasn't Roxas in some of the pictures? He was Sora's cousin wasn't he? Linteum decided to asked Sora.


"Hey Sora, how come Roxas isn't in these picture?" Sora was just about to lie down on his bed before looking at him. Crap, Sora wasn't really thinking when he told Linteum that Roxas was his cousin.

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"Um..... never really around that much." Sora thought that was a good cover up. "Oh, okay" Linteum said as he looked down. Sora grabbed a picture out from under his pillow and looked at it and laugh a little it was a picture of him Kairi, and Riku, but Linteum didn't seem to notice. "Hey Sora what took you so long?"

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Sora out the picture back in it's hidding place before answering Linteum. "Nothing too important. I just ran into Riku and talked a bit" he said before frowning. He had wanted to talk to Riku about his theory but it looks like Sora will have to wait. It was then that his mom call out for Sora. "Sora! Roxas is here to see you!" Sora and Linteum look at each other before Sora responded. "Ok mom!" It took a few minutes before they saw Roxas enter the room. "Hey Sora, Linteum." he said, greeting them both. 'Riku texted me that you think Linteum's from another world Roxas said to Sora telepathically who nodded his head slightly. 'Yeah. The way he arrived here reminded me of when Kairi first came to the Island'

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When Sora saw Kairi bleeding on the floor he felt his blood boil with rage. How dare he hurt Kairi?! Who ever this guy was he was going down. Hard. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the Keyblade's chosen one and Number XIII" said Zexion with a mocking tone. Roxas narrowed his eyes at the sight of his former comrade. "How the hell are you alive Zexion? If I remember right, you perished along with everyone that was sent to Castle Oblivion except for Axel." he said, feeling a pang of pain at the mention of his decreased best friend. Linteum on the other hand was confused. Keyblade? Castle Oblivion? What were they talking about?

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"What are you guy's talking about?" asked Linteum with a confused look on his face. "Sora turn around and said "Linteum, go get Riku, and get all the girls and make sure there safe" Linteum nodded and ran off

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Sora turned back towards Zexion before summoning his Keyblade. Roxas did the same thing, having Oblivion and Oathkeeper in his grasp. It was time to make this guy pay for what he did to Kairi. He and Roxas exchanged a look with each other before nodding. Sora charged in after Zexion with Roxas following his lead.

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Linteum ran over to Riku's house and knock on the door and Riku answered the door and Linteum said "Someone attacked Kairi and Sora told me to come get you, and to make sure the girls were safe!" Riku ran over to Sora's house a got out his keyblade.

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Sora and Roxas were panting slighty. Who knew that this guy was tougher that he looked? Suddenly, Roxas saw a Dark Firaga hit Zexion in the back, causing said Nobody to grunt in pain. Roxas turned to Sora who already knew what he was thinking. Riku had joined them in their fight. When Riku had arrived, he wasn't expection to see Zexion. From what he could recall back in Castle Oblivion, he was killed off by Riku's replica.

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10 min time skip




Zexion is fading and Sora ran to Kairi, she was losing to much blood. Zexion laugh at this. "Looks like the one you love is going to die."

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