Felicitas 4 Posted December 11, 2010 This is a 1x1 roleplay between Felicitas and luckey charm. We would appeciate it that no one posts besides us. Ideas for the Roleplay are welcomed. Character Bio: Name: Linteum Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Around 5'3" in height, and 115 in weight. Mess black hair that reaches his shoulders with purple eyes. Wears a long sleeved shirt underneath an open black polo shirt and faded jeans with black combat boots. Has two dog tags around his neck. Bio: Linteum washed up on the shores of Destiny Islands only a few weeks after Sora and his friends came back from defeating Xemnas. He has no memories from before except for his name. All of you know who Sora and Roxas are Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 11, 2010 Name: Kairi Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: You know what she look's like! Bio: you already know "I wonder were Sora, Kairi, and Namine is?" Said Riku as he walked along the beach, just thinking about what had happend in the last 4 year's. Then he saw a kid washed up on the shore, and Riku stared running to him. "Hey you okay kid?" The boy looked up, but didn't answer. He looked like he was 15. "Hey what's your name?" asked Riku very worried "Wh-what? My name is Linteum. what's your?" "I'm Riku" Riku looked so happy that he was okay then he saw Sora, Kairi and Namine start walking over to them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 11, 2010 Sora had just arrived on the play island with Kairi and Namine when he saw Riku kneeling over someone. It looked like a boy around his age. He motioned for the girls to follow him. "Hey Riku, who's he?" asked Sora as he looked over at the boy. "My name's Linteum. Um... this might be a weird question but... where am I?" the boy, now known as Linteum, asked confusion written all over his face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "Your at destiny islands, I'm Sora, and this is Kairi, and Namine" he said as he pointed to each of them. "Where are you from?" asked Kairi. "I-I don't know, I can't remember anything but my name", he said looking down. Kairi, and Namine felt kinda bad for him, and they showed it in there face. Riku helped Limteum up and help him find his balance. "Thank you" Limteum said with a smile on his face. Sora couldn't stop staring at Kairi, and this Namine noticed. "Snap out of it" Namine said to Sora, but only he heard her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 "Huh?" he turned towards Namine, seeing the look on her face which implied that he was staring at Kairi...again. He felt his cheeks heat up before chuckling a bit nervously. Namine only shooked her head slightly. Really, it was so obvious that he liked Kairi. "Sora, you should ask Kairi out before someone else beats you to it" Namine said teasingly, knowing it would only further embarrass the blushing brunette. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "I know, I know but, I just scared that she'll turn me down" Namine laughed quietly. Sora turn to her a gave her a mad look. "You know, I heard that Cloud was ganna ask her out next week so, hurry it up!" Sora looked down, but when he heard this he just ran away into the forest. everyone saw this, but Namine was the only on to go find him. He was on the other side of the beach, his head in his hand that were holding his knees. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that' thought Namine as she approached Sora. He heard some coming from behind him and judgeing by how soft the footsteps were, it was Namine. "I wanna be alone for a little bit Namine." he said, his voice sounding a bit muffled. Namine frowned a bit, feeling guilty. "Sora, I'm sorry about what I said. I thought it would motivate you into asking Kairi out." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "Well it didn't" he said with a sad, but angry voice. Namine sat down next to him and looked at the sea. "You know, she talk's about you 80% of the time." Sora looked up shocked, "Your lying" he said as he looked at the sea too. "No I'm not" she said shaking her head . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Sora looked Namine in the eyes and saw that she really wasn't lying. Maybe he did have a chance with Kairi! His famous silly grin appeared on his face, excited at the thought that the girl he's had a crush on for many years might actually go out with him. Namine smiled when she saw Sora grinning. "We should head back to the others. They might be wondering where we went" she said, standing up before wiping away any sand off her dress. Sora nodded his head before standing up as well, recalling that Linteum had washed up on the beach out of thin air. 'I wonder where he came from' thought Sora as he and Namine made their way back to their friends. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 When they got there they saw Riku, Kairi, and Lineum talking. Sora was staring at Kairi again but this time Kairi notice. She walked over to Namine, and Sora then he stopped. "Sora what happen?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Sora wasn't expecting Kairi to come over to him, so he jump a little before turning to the redhead. "Huh? Oh it's nothing Kairi" he said, although Sora felt his heart beat faster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "Are you sure, alright" Sora turn because he was blushing, Namine saw this and just giggled a little. "Sora why did you run off, you had me worried" Sora blushed even more at this but then it stopped. "So how's um.... what was his name?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Riku rolled his eyes. Really Sora could such an air head. ""My name's Linteum" said Linteum, thinking that Sora only forgot his name because he was too flustered. Sora nodded his head, making sure to remember his name. "Nice to meet ya Linteum" said Sora cheerfully. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "Nice to meet you to" said Linteum. He noticed that Sora was staring at Kairi like crazy. "Hey were you ganna stay" asked Kairi, and Namine at the same time. "He could stay with me" Said Sora with one of his goofy smile's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Linteum looked at them with a surpised look on his face. They just met but they were treating him like he's been their friend since they were kids. "Yeah, thanks...uh" he tried to remember what the brunette's name was since Riku told him when Sora ran off. "Sora" said Sora, the grin never leaving his face. "Where are you from anyways?" Linteum furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. "I... can't remember" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "Oh well that must suck" Said Riku just looking up at the sky. "It dose" said Linteum, then they heard a girl's voice. "Riku, Sora, Kairi, Namine, How are you doing?" said Selphie as she ran over to see the gang, she didn't even notice the new kid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 "Hey Selphie" said Kairi, as she waved at their friend. She stopped just in time to keep herself from crashing into Namine. "We're doing pretty good" said Riku, raising an eyebrow at the hyper active girl. Selphie turned to Riku and felt a blush work its way up to her cheeks, "T-that's good to know" she said, as she shyly played with her hair. Sora rolled his eyes, how could Riku not notice that Selphie like him? "Lady-killer" Linteum said under his breath. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "What?" said Kairi. "Nothing, um.... hi I'm Linteum" he said waving his hand. "Oh hi I'm Selphie, as you just herd" Riku rolled his eye's, sometimes Selphie could be so stupid, but he thought it was kinda cute. Lineum noticed that she was staring at Riku, and that Sora was staring at Kairi. "Oh boy" he said under his breath Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Namine giggled, hearing what Linteum said. It looks like she wasn't the only one to notice that her friends had a love interest within their group. "What's so funny Nami?" Selphie asked, curious about the blonde girl was laughing about, along with everyone else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "oh nothing, just something that a watched on t.v. last night." she thought that was a good cover up. "Well Linteum, we better get to my place or else my mom will kill me" said sora with another funny grin. "Oh yeah, hey, your mom won't mind if I stay with you, will she?" Sora shook his head, "Nope, come on let's go, Bye Kairi, Namine, Riku, and Selphie." Sora and linteum were on the way to Sora's house. "Hey Sora, Can I ask you something?" Sora turn around. "Um.... sure what is it?" Linteum looked down, "Um... you like Kairi, right?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Sora stopped walking before looking at Linteum with a shocked and embarrassed look on his face. "Is it really that obvious?" he asked, as a blush graced his cheeks. Linteum nodded his head, making Sora's blush grow bigger. "Oh yeah. Big time" Sora groaned. Great... Just great.... Suddenly he thought of something. Why did he ask in the first place? Before Sora could ask him, he heard a familiar voice call out to him. He turrned around in to see Roxas heading his way while riding on his skateboard. "Hey Roxas" said Sora, waving at his Nobody. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 12, 2010 "Sora why are your cheek's all red?, and who is this guy?" said Roxas as he stopped next to Sora. "I'm Linteum" he said waving his hand. "Oh, hi I'm Roxas, and now Sora please answer my question, why are your cheek's all red?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 12, 2010 Sora glared at Roxas. 'You know why I'm blushing' thought Sora to Roxas. Even though Roxas has his own body, they were still connected telepathicly. Roxas chuckled a little bit before answering. "Yeah, I know but you should still answer the question" said Roxas teasingly. Linteum looked back and forth between the two of them, now noticing how much they looked alike. Were they twins? And what was Roxas talking about? Sora didn't even say anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckey charm 0 Posted December 13, 2010 "Are you guy's related?" asked Linteum. "Yeah he's my cousin" Said Sora with an angry look on his face. "Okay well, see you later, bye bye now" said Roxas as he road off. "Sorry about that Linteum, Roxas can be a bit mean sometimes" "It's okay, Hey why is the girl with organ hair act so weird?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 13, 2010 "Who? Selphie? Oh it's nothing, she just has a crush on Riku is all" he said with a shrug. "Oh... Like you have a crush on Kairi right?" asked Linteum, looking at Sora whose face turned redder than a tomato. "Why does everyone bring that up?!" "It's practically written all over your face dude." Sora let out a sigh. It didn't even matter anymore. "C'mon, we better head to my place fast before sundown. My mom always throws a fit whenever I get home late ever since...." Sora trailed off, remembering that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about the adventures he and his friends had gone through over the past year and a half. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites