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Text The Keyblade Master's Code (How it could be.)

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In my hand,a Keyblade I wield.

For it chose me as it's wielder.

I will take the responsibility of the keyblade.

As long as I breathe,and live.

For good and light I shall fight.

If I do the oposite,then let the darkness be my curse.

Let thy name of light be sacred.

And let no darkness enter my heart.

Let me honor those who wielded the Keyblade before me.

Let me honor those who fight for the light.

I shall prove my best at wielding.

And I shall never give up to the darkness.

As a Keyblade Master,I shall be an example.

Of those the many wielders to come.

I shall protect those who I care and do not care for.

I will even give my life,in oreder to defeat the darkness.

And in the end,let the light be my guide.

And let only my memories and my Keyblade be left.

Along with my pride,and streagnht.



I was just thinking of how would be if there was a Keyblade Master's Code.And this came to mind.xD Now if I can only get a keyblade...xD

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