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Going Incognito

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Heya fellow kh13 members :)


Ok, I'm just going to get straight to the point. my Internet privileges are about to go from freedom too being-watched-by-my-parents-24/7! long Story short, my dad found out that i've been reading FanFictions on FFVII, and which there was cussing. and him being the controlling parents he is, he is now like, "Ur computer privileges are about to be radically changed!" And too add to a side note, he's never like any type of thing that looks like anime. Here's an example; my brothers a i are watching Kim Possible (the only good Disney channel cartoon) and my father walks into the room and is all like, "This is anime! We don't watch anime!" And we are like, "DAD! This is freakin' DISNEY CHANNEL!!!" sooo yeah, I just hate this b/c i really like Square Enix stuff and i hate that i have to hide every game i play from them just b/c idk what they would think about it. they only way i can play KH is b/c i tell them that "it's Disney" They don't even know that I've played every game that has the title "FFVII" in it (I'm a ffvii fangirl:D). And that counts the movie as well. And with them being the parents they are, i KNOW they would HATE everything about it.

I am so sick of being paranoid that my parents are watching my every move! They both got facebooks so that they can watch me on there, they read my emails, and my text messages, and spy on what music i listen to. Plus they snoop through our game collection when we are not looking (Good thing i hide my games). Only God knows what they do when I'm at a friend's house! I'm at the point of thinking that they have some special program that shows them EVERYTHING i do on my computer! I'm just sick of being paranoid!


So on closing this note, my life now officially sucks more than b4 (and trust me, it sucked then and now it SUCKS!!!)

I mean, ik i could have it a lot worse, i could have abusive parents or they could be divorced. But you know, they could have it worse too. I could be sleeping around or sneaking around doing drugs. But no, i would NEVER do anything like that! The worse for me is reading fanfictions with cussing and they treat that as if i were smoking pot! I'm just at the point of my teenage life to where i can say, "I hate my life"


So This is goodbye to kh13 and youtube i guess. idk, maybe i can still upload on youtube through another computer that's not in this house. Gawd, i hate this so much b/c i love this site. Thank you so much DC for creating it. This truly is the BEST KH site in the freakin' planet! And I've been to a few so i know that I'm talking about. Sorry i had to bother you buys with my rant about my personal life. I just thought i should tell u guys this time that i'm leaving instead of just disappearing like i did b4. I don't know what else to say...Well, thank you everyone for being such great friends with me. Maybe someday I'll come back, but that's looks to be a one in a million chance.


Bye everyone



I still got my psp and i can get on when my parents aren't home. so I'l just not be posting as much as i have been.

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i feel sarry for you

but like you say it chold be worse

well i hope you can come on once in a walle

o well

see you later




[note:go to the libary...they have pc for you to use unless you live in the middle of know were]

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Lmao I blocked my mother on face book, and my dad despises facebook. xD

and aww T-T I'm so sorry!! I hate it when parents go all evil on you D:<

Hope you can come back someday <3 ^^

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Kushi I'm so sorry for you I really hope you can come on KH13 whenever you can. Your parents sound a little especially your dad closed-minded.


Just a thing about Kim Possible and other Disney cartoons (when I think about it all they seem to do now is Phineas & Ferb) and all modern cartoons in general most of them take design ideas from Anime/Manga which is why he thought it were Anime although funny thing Walt Disney was appearently a big influence in Japan


Trust me it really sucks when your parents aren't together especially when they do it when you're 9.

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awww! thx u guys. i can come on every now and then using the internet on my psp (im on it now) so if i have spelling errors, its b/c i dont have a full keybord. u guys r awesum!


Awesome you can come online on your PSP whenever I tried it would say something about "google script error" or something infact I always use my PS3 online since my sister (the betch) hogs the computer (I'm on my PS3 right now writing this )

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D; I feel so sorry for you. I'd go berserk if my parents did that.


I'd already be murdered if my parents did xD Oh god the things I hide from them....



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You never did get around to editing your custom user title:(


Oh, i had one of those?! I never knew how to edit it :blush:

:edit: O! YAY! did i have one of those before?! if i didn't, thank you u guys! :P


don't worry you guys, I promise I'll get one as much as i can! This website works really good on my psp, so i always have that, plus i can get on when my parents aren't home and stuff. It's gonna take more than my father to stop me :(

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oh god i know how you feel kushi Dx even though i've only been in this website for a while, you sound like a very nice funny person :P so just keep getting on when you can k? hope you life gets better (:

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