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KH13 Secret Santa Event! {UPDATE}

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Wow, five people have already finished theirs? ._.

I need to start cracking on mine. xD


Anyways, all of them are really good. (:

Mine is going to be a total fail compared to all of your guys' awesomeness...

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I don't think they're trying to make those who haven't finished yet look bad :/. For some people they can finish projects quicker, and for others it just takes a bit more time.

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Hey, you're making the rest of us look bad for not having finished yet! :|


Not really xD

It's great that everyone is finishing up, but everyone else should still take their time. It's not a race.

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I'm in!!! just let me know ASAP!!


>; Well, we already had the drawings so there isn't anyone else to pair you with. I'm sorry. >;


If anyone doesn't commit themselves to the event I'll let you know but other than that...D:


well, if it's not unfiar, could I pair with him? i know that's not very according the rules (we musn't know who will give us the present) , and i'm almost sure this asking is useless, but I still think I should try. Sorry for asking so late :( if I manage to be in : "Sign me up"

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I don't know if I could get as many people, but I could try and open up a second group and draw their secret santas the same way so more can participate. But they would get less time to work. >;


But that seems like the most fair solution to those that still want to participate that haven't yet.


What do you think? :3


Those that are already signed up in the first group would be asked not to participate unless a spot filler is needed in the second group, of course.

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I don't know if I could get as many people, but I could try and open up a second group and draw their secret santas the same way so more can participate. But they would get less time to work. >;


But that seems like the most fair solution to those that still want to participate that haven't yet.


What do you think? :3


Those that are already signed up in the first group would be asked not to participate unless a spot filler is needed in the second group, of course.


Sounds good. All you need are 4 or more people and I am sure there are people who wanted to join but missed the chance.

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I love this! And fast responses, lol! I want to join! I already started my-


Secret! Heheheh..

Edit: Never mind.... It already ended... I was too late. Damn it! i aways miss this type of stuff... I'll probably miss it next year too! I'm gonna keep this to myself now.

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Lol, xD well you might want to wait a little bit on the gift. I haven't told you who your secret santa is for everyone in the second group.


Heh, It's ok, I've quite finished it, but I'm kind of... joking around with it... lol...

It might look pretty bad, but I'll try to make it look as good as possible! So I'm sorry for the person who gets it... :P

(I'll make sure to make more then a single gift!)

Heh, just finished my second gift!

Should I make more? :P

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