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new clothes

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i hav a cool idea about kh3 sora. i thought maybe their could be a huge war at the beginning of the game and sora gets beat up and torn apart so he gets new duds and looks all armory war like perfect for the final battle and be prepared for any upcoming battles.

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Pretty random war then :


Knowing Nomura, he's going to give Sora armor at some point. But lol, that just looks so hilarious in my head xD

Riku would be able to pull it off more than Sora imo.

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I don't think Sora needs new cloth. The one he wore in KH2 was really cool and elegant, better than the first one he wore ;)


Plus, they're magic, and so will probably adjust and change as he grows. Not to mention they grant him easier access to his magic and such.

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Sora's armored form should look like Xion final form, Riku's armored form should look like Dissidia final fantasy Warrior of light, without all the cloth, & a version of Warrior of light's helmet that not only looks like the original, but also hides the face. It should also use ventus's armor's kneecaps. As for Kairi, the armor should be a recolored red & maroon version of Aqua's armor.

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Maybe if Nomura did incorporate the keyblade war in the next major installment, then I could see it as a possibility, but other than that it I'm ok with the clothes that they have now. More so Sora over his KH1 attire, I'm tired of seeing that more than his KH2 attire. Despite whether you want to count the Limit Form for KH2FM, its been in so far every game outside of BBS, KH2 and KH2FM(depending on you). So long as they don't reuse that outside of the Limit Form, I don't want to see Sora's KH1 clothes again. Everybody else I'm ok with.

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For KH3, his KH2 clothes are good enough. Personally, I think that they need more screen time than just one game and a couple of cameos. As for TAV style armor, I think that it would be cool if his armor was a mixture of Dissidia's Warrior of Light and FFXII's Gabranth's armor, With a bit of a "Sora-ish" flair.

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Maybe if Nomura did incorporate the keyblade war in the next major installment, then I could see it as a possibility, but other than that it I'm ok with the clothes that they have now. More so Sora over his KH1 attire, I'm tired of seeing that more than his KH2 attire. Despite whether you want to count the Limit Form for KH2FM, its been in so far every game outside of BBS, KH2 and KH2FM(depending on you). So long as they don't reuse that outside of the Limit Form, I don't want to see Sora's KH1 clothes again. Everybody else I'm ok with.


last time i checked, in KH2/KH2FM when Sora wakes up in Twilight Town he WAS in his KH1 clothes though, they were just small

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i hav a cool idea about kh3 sora. i thought maybe their could be a huge war at the beginning of the game and sora gets beat up and torn apart so he gets new duds and looks all armory war like perfect for the final battle and be prepared for any upcoming battles.


it would be cool that when sora and riku goes to save terra aqua and ven that aqua (being the only true master) gave them there own armor (like vens terras and aquas) ^_^

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I think Sora in KH3 should just have his KH2 clothes, but have armor pieces on it just like Terra, Aqua, Ven and Master Eraqus. Then he can have his own Armor form too ^-^


Speaking of all this talk about armor though, I'd like for someone to just clear up this situation in the game. How do you get the armor? Is it custom made by practiced Keyblade wielder armor smiths? Does it just appear when you've done something special?

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I think Sora in KH3 should just have his KH2 clothes, but have armor pieces on it just like Terra, Aqua, Ven and Master Eraqus. Then he can have his own Armor form too ^-^


Speaking of all this talk about armor though, I'd like for someone to just clear up this situation in the game. How do you get the armor? Is it custom made by practiced Keyblade wielder armor smiths? Does it just appear when you've done something special?


i would say that since his kh2 clothes are magic, yen-sid could give them the power to turn into armor, maybe as a drive.

and i would say that masters give apprentices armor so while they train and use their power, they would be protected from darkness, because the more you train, the bigger the chance you might encounter darkness

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