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A epic dream i had

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so i had this dream that terra and xahanort fought but it was diffrent.It was terra vs terranort.Xahanort jumped backwards and shot a red beam and terra but then terra used his darkness and summoned that thing that ansem SoD had and used it to block the red beam then terra jumped over it and slashed at xahanort but out of nowhere Xemnas blocked terra and knocked him back.so then terra summon's a chaosripper and the no name keyblade and ran at them.Xemnas jump's and transform's into the dragon while xahanort attack's terra.Terra then uses the no name and blocks then hit's xahanort in the face with chaosripper.As xahanort is falling to the ground terra jump on him and jump's off of him to get to xemnas.Then terra uses his keyblade and stab's the engine and runs to xemnas.As terra get's xemnas out of no where larxene's knife's stabs terra.After that my mom woke me up to go to school

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