roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 7, 2010 Quote Why am I still alive? I think about that question from time to time, Why didn't I die against Yuto... I was no different from any of you, I was chosen by the keyblade, like all of you, expected to go through the same fate. I now know what you all did was necessary, you gave your lives so that one of us could live and in the end you won... I wish you all could of lived to see the outcome... but you belonged to The Keyblade Graveyard... your bodies... your armor, all burned and turned to glass, everything except your courage... that you gave to me, and with it we can rebuild and start anew... Alright It's been two years since Yuto's defeat in the Keyblade War, presumed dead Yuto dissapeared and slowly grew stronger While Master Quentin Victor, the sole survivor of the war, trains new apprentices to take up the Keyblade. RULES: Alright, There will be no Godmodding unless you have permission. Try to use good spelling and Grammer. Language is acceptable as long as it doesn't go too extreme. make Five detailed sentences per post or more. Have fun! Oh and this is a sequel to the Keyblade War Roleplay, so if you were not part of that RP, you might not know about past events that took place then. About: In this Roleplay, you will RP as a keyblade Apprentice of Quentin Victor(LIGHT) or Yuto (DARK) I will RP my character Quentin Victor, while terraxaqua34 Will RP his character Yuto. Character CharacterSide: (light, or Dark) Name: Gender: Apperance: Keyblade: Age: Bio: Personality: World: How character was found and became an apprentice: Name: Quentin Victor Side: Light Gender: Male Apperance: 6.3 Shaggy blonde hair, Blue eyes. Tan Pants, Green Shirt with Yellow Crown Emblem on it. Silver Sleevless Hoodie Black Shoes. Armor piece on left arm. Age: 17 Bio: Quentin went through the Keyblade war, he met his friend Richard on the way to the barren wastland, Later he met Joe, Lira, and Yu. He faced Yuto many times and fought for his survival, during his journey, he and Richard were seperated, and he soon learned that he died. Also on his journey he fell in love with Lira but she died stopping Yuto and the entire Keyblade War. Joe as well died to destroy the X-blade. He was unsure about what hapenned to Yu though, he is presumed dead. Quentin blames himself for his friend's deaths, he soon found out all the keyblade weilders died in the war. Quentin settled in the land of Departure to train the new generation of Keyblade weilders and to hopefully make up for his past failure to protect his friends and loved ones. Is unaware Yuto survived Personality: Quentin is at sometimes cheerful and patient, will hopefully be a good master. World: Twilight town Keyblade: Kingdom Key Alright, make your characters and then I'll decide when to start the RP when we have enough characters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted December 7, 2010 Name: Yuto Side: Dark Appearance: Has long red hair, Black eyes, Wears a red and black coat, Right arm has burn marks. Personality: He's evil, Trys to play good to fool the others to have them think hes good. Bio: He first comes in when meeting Richard and fighting him and then disappears. He then meets up with luics and fights Travis and Richard. Leaves again and doesn't returned until stabeing Joe and releaseing Kira from Lira and started the keyblade war in Twilight town. Fights Richard in the Barran waselands. Retreats again. Shows up again to stop Quentin and Lira from training under Yoda. Kira is killed. Yuto gains the X-blade. Then the final battle begins when the pains(Yutos best men). Kills Joe and Lira. Loses the X-blade and lost the war. Then swears to become stronger. World:??? Age:19 Keyblade:Blackwing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 7, 2010 Sweet.The sequel. Side: light Name: Azura Stargazer. Gender: Female Apperance: She has short silver/white hair.Her eyes are color deep red.She wears a black shirt with a star symbol in the back.She wears black pants with a silver belt.And some black boots and fingerless gloves. Keyblade:Forever Star Age:14 Bio:Azura is Kira's,or in this case,Lira's little sister,who was presumed to be dead after the heartless attack taht took places years ago.When actually Azura had fallen into a dark portal and ended up in Hollow Bastion,with only memories of her family when she was little.One day the heartless attacked her and that's when she found out she could wield the keyblade.After a while she started to train herself to learn how to use it,even though it wasn't going very well. Personality: She outgoing and likes to explore.That kind of personality can get her in trouble in times but she always finds a way out of the messes.She's cheerful,bearly gets sad or gloomy,and if a friend needs help,she's always willing to help.She likes to meet new people and dreams to become a keyblade master just like Master Quentin. World:Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden How character was found and became an apprentice: One day a massive ammount of Orcas attacked her home.She was the only one there who could wield a keyblade so she tried to defeat the enemies.After a while she couldn't take it much longer,they were to strong and to many.Just when it was all over another keyblade wielder came and started to defeat the Orcas.After a while all of the enemies were gone and dead.That keyblade master was Quentin.He saw taht she could wield the keyblade,so he asked her if she wanted to be his apprentice.She accepted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 7, 2010 Accepted (well of course you're in lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sota9 4 Posted December 7, 2010 Name: Yu aka Yusei Akira Age: 17 Side: Light(also has some darkness in his hearts but use's it for good). Appearance: Short black hair with a blue tirm height around 6:2 Red eyes appears gruff and quick to anger, wears a white collared-shirt over a red t-shirt, black pants, a belt and black shoes. Personality: He is genuinely good-hearted but at time very stubborn whenever his friends are threatened, he feels very concerned and protective over them, but he's also not afraid to defend himself if necessary. Keyblade: Crimson Kingdom(a red kingdom key) Bio:He become aware of the darkness in his heart and so his master suggestions that he must become fearless to never succumbed to it and so his journey begin.He seeking the power to never fear darkness itself again in the beginning of his journey but as he fight Yuto he start to remember he was on the side of darkness once.the result of this made him start to fight one of his friends Quentin. Right before the war ended he was lose in the darkness of his heart because of Yuto,but now that he has find a way out he feel like he lose something or someone. Was it his light or someone he loved? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 7, 2010 Alright your accepted, but could you add more to his past? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 7, 2010 yeah it's good. Now we'll need more sign ups and we can start. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sota9 4 Posted December 7, 2010 I've got a suggestion seeing how Quentin,Yuto,Yu are the once who are alive and you got the side of light & Yuto got the side of darkness maybe my character can have a side of this own like dawn or twilight but it's just a suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 7, 2010 we could develop that in the story, but not right away. But good idea though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baylaust 2,531 Posted December 7, 2010 A sequel? Well, I had envisioned that no one survived the Keyblade War, but sure, why not? Name: John Side: Light (later Dark) Gender: Male Appearance: (light)6.0, brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. A lean, muscular build, and he wears a basic white t-shirt and blue jeans. (dark)Black hair, red eyes, and pail skin. Wears glasses to cover them. Wears a black cloak with a black suit of armor underneath it. Speaks in two voices (like Riku-Ansem); John's normal voice, and a dark, demonic one. Keyblade: Burning Oblivion (Oblivion with black flames) Age: 16 (technically ageless) Bio: A former resident of Destiny Islands, a powerful darkness threatened to consume his home world. With all of his strength, however, John managed to stop the darkness, and channeled it through his body. This act of a strong heart granted John the ability to use the Keyblade, a power he perfers to keep hidden from others. However, the darkness within him is beginning to corrupt and control him. With little time left, John is trying to find a way to cleanse the darkness within him before it's too late. Personality: (light) John is usually a bright and cheerful person, However, he is trying to distance himself from anyone who he might hurt, with the darkness inside him slowly taking over. (dark) John is quiet, uncaring, and unloving. He will go out of his way to make someone suffer and cry for mercy, only to have their screams silenced. He seeks to absorb enough power from the worlds to have them reborn, except that darkness will be in control instead of light. Since he IS darkness, he has technically existed as long as the worlds have, and knows everyone's secrets and memories, despite how repressed they might be. World: Destiny Islands How character was found and became an apprentice: John had been falling to darkness more and more every day, and in a spurt of rage and anger, had attacked and mortally wounded his neighbor on Destiny Islands. Fleeing for his life and with nowhere to run, John was on the verge on succumbing to the darkness within him, when Quentin arrived and saved him, bringing him to the Land of Departure. Now, he is trying to find a way to extinguish the darkness inside him, despite knowing that it will only be a matter of time until he loses himself... (this was the character I used who was the main antagonist in "The Darkness Approaches". I really liked that character, and since this takes place in the past, I thought I could explore him a bit more) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted December 7, 2010 Side: Light Name: Daniel Gender: Male Apperance: He has a black hoodie and normally wears it on top of his hair, but when he does take off the hood, he has brown hair, and his eyes are blue. He wears blue jeans and a black shirt. Keyblade: The Forgotten One (will be described later) Age: 17 Bio: When he was born, his father grabbed Daniel and threw him into a well. It was a miracle that he was able to survive. Every night, his mother would secretly give food to him while his father was asleep. One day, someone threw down a ladder when he was around 10 and he climbed up the ladder and saw light truely for the first time. That was where he met Ryan, his best friend. He also met his brother, Alec, that day also. He obtained the keyblade when he was 12. Personality: He has a moody personality, but is outgoing if he knows someone well. He doesn't have the real tendency to obey, but he normally obeys, despite the fact that he is reluctant to be obedient. World: Radiant Garden How character was found and became an apprentice: One day, when he was 15, he was hunting around for heartless to destroy with his keyblade when he bumped into Quinten. The two deeated armies of heartless and after that, Daniel became the aprentice of Quinten. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P50L 610 Posted December 7, 2010 Side: Light Name: Vaden Gender: Male Apperance: Black hair has turned white after years of maturing Keyblade: Two Become One Age: 17 Bio: Vaden was very unaware to the war even happening. Currently living in Traverse Town, He inherited his Family's Item shop. He does know he is a keyblade wielder after meeting a strange man in his heart. He has seen heartless but never nobodies. As a child, he was mainly into computers, mostly friendly and good, but usually scared of most things, EVEN HIS OWN SHADOW! Personality: Mainly a friendly guy, does not approve alot of violence, he unusually has untapped power of his keyblade, though he does not know what he can do with Two Become One World:Traverse Town Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted December 7, 2010 everybody passed. need two more dark people before we can start Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted December 7, 2010 Side: jonathan will turn to the dark colin light Name: Jonathan and Colin to people joes best friends from homw hope you dont mind me using two people quentin Gender: both male Apperance: Jonathan tall with black hair wears white coat blue eyes Colin blonde hair whit coat medium hight blue eyes Keyblade: jonathan bond of flames Colin Lions heart Age: jonathan 14 colin 13 Bio: after joe sacraficed himself to help end the war jonathan and colin set out to make shore he did not die in vain so now the to travel the worlds together looking for the darkness that joe tried to destroy and finish it this time for good Personality: both full of life always look out for eachother alot like joe World: use to be Peterswell but now destiny island Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted December 7, 2010 Side: Dark Name: Henry Touchdown Gender: Male Appearance: Has a short brown hair, brown eyes, medium sized, wears a big silver cloath, a pair of black jeans with a belt and big black boots. Keyblade: Diamond Dust Age: 19 Bio: Henry Touchdown is Travis Touchdown's big brother. Henry never liked to fight but he only fought when necessary. Henry Touchdown never became a Master and unlike Travis, he is well balanced between physical and magical attacks. Since Travis's death, Henry seeks revenge, and joined Yuto to become his apprentice. Henry is also possesed by a spirit called Yuso, which can give Henry inner energy. When this happens, Henry has one eye red, and the other eye green. World: Radiant Garden. Personality: Henry rarely talks, only when he thinks it's necessary. He tries to keep his inner rage calmed down, but sometimes he may rage out of control. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terraxaqua34 98 Posted December 8, 2010 both pass. I'll post the rp in a little while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted December 8, 2010 too late to join? Side:light? Name:Leslie inverse Gender: Female Apperance: about 5'7 green eyes, long black hair, has a crossed-shaped scar on her back, light skinned, and she wears all black Keyblade: one-winged angel Age: 17 Bio: her past is shrouded in a all and even herself and somehow inherited the keyblade, after forgetting everything about herself World: unknown Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 8, 2010 accepted, make an intro now, and how did she become an apprentice? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted December 12, 2010 Can I join if I wasn't apart of the original? if so.. Side: Light Name: Reed Eclipse Gender: Male Apperance: Has silver hair that goes to his shoulders. He is verry tall and verry strong. He has four arms(explained in bio) He has deep dark blue eyes. He wears dark blue jeans with holes in the jeans from battle and has a short seved tight black shirt with four arm holles at the side. He has two belts across his chest with four slots for his keyblades(explained in bio) Keyblade: The four Eclipse keyblades Age: 16 Bio: Reed was famous on his homeworld for bieng able to wield a keyblade which wasn't really a secret their were only five people on the world that could wield. They would have tournements all the time. People would come to the world to see the Sacred Eclipse Brothers and fight them to see if they were powerful enough. Well one evil mysterious sorcerer came and thought if he could beat them all as a prize he could get the power of the Sacred Blades. He defeated them all but Reed in a long 5 on 1 match. It was just him and Reed. Reed looked around and saw his brothers lying dead on the ground. Reed thought about how it came to this. He quickly summoned the power of the eclipses to revive them but the sorceror didn't like that so he cursed Reed in the middle of the spell. His brothers were gone but Reed was changed he had been changed, his once brown hair became silver his once hazel eyes became a dark blue. His once one pair of arms became 2 pairs of arms. Reed then held out his hands and the four Eclipse keyblades came into his hands. Reed ran towards his oppenent and threw his keyblades at him. Reed then jumped on him and started beating him in the face. Reed then threw the socereor into the pit of the arena. And sealed the pit using his keyblades. Personality: Reed is verry big but his heart is otherwise he is a big teddy bear. He usualy depressed about the fight that he never got over. Reed usualy covers it with a few smiles and laughs World: Eclipseopolis How character was found and became an apprentice: Master Quentin saw the fight at the arena after he heard about the 5 brothers. He knew that they could probaly help out alot. But they didn't all survive. He was astonished by the power Reed had even before his new strength became a part of him. Quentin became worried that Reed had a dark heart once he started beating his fist into the Sorceror. He thought that he would kill him but he saw a side of forgiviness in Reed's heart and thats why the sorceror didn't die. Quentin knew he had to get Reed and make sure no one would take advantage of him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted December 12, 2010 accepted, you can start now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites