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KHBbS Is the new armored man in Final Mix Eraqus' lingering spirit?

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Generally it is assumed, I haven't seen any evidence going against it, also, I believe I saw the armored figure wielding Eraqus' Keyblade, but that might be a sight fail on my part. However, it can only be assumed that he is non-canon (That means that it doesn't generally apply to the main plot) because it occurs in the Mirage Arena (I noticed you said it took place in the Land of Departure, well that is half true. That Arena Mode match took on the form of the Land of Departure, but it isn't actually the Land of Departure.), but just because he is in the Mirage Arena doesn't mean that he will be non-canon, we won't know until Nomura says if it's canon or not.

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Actually Keyblader, you're partly wrong. The Mirage Arena actually transports the user to a part of a world. So in a sense, it does happen at the Land of Departure

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Actually Keyblader, you're partly wrong. The Mirage Arena actually transports the user to a part of a world. So in a sense, it does happen at the Land of Departure


Really? Huh, I thought it just replicated the world, but I'd be willing to believe that. Do you have any proof of this? However, I shouldn't have suggested what I said was fact, I have no proof either.

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Im going to go with no.

it clearly states in the blank points that

Eraqus's spirt is in Terra's heart. Go re watch it.

So thats why i think its not him.

But i could easily be wrong. I bet'cha that im going to be corrected.


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Actually Keyblader, you're partly wrong. The Mirage Arena actually transports the user to a part of a world. So in a sense, it does happen at the Land of Departure


No, it's a 'Mirage' the Land of Departure is just a replication.

Im going to go with no.

it clearly states in the blank points that

Eraqus's spirt is in Terra's heart. Go re watch it.

So thats why i think its not him.

But i could easily be wrong. I bet'cha that im going to be corrected.



I'm pretty sure they're implying it's his heart that's in Terra, not his spirit.

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That is actually Eraqus' Sentiment. Remember, a Sentiment is a lost mind of a person, they are feelings of what is left of that person as well, so they are all that is left of a person. Hence why they have the word "Sentiment" in it. Take Vanitas' Sentiment for example, he was made after Vanitas was defeated, since all Vanitas felt was negative emotions (sorrow,anger, ect) that was what his Sentiment was feeling. So it's most likely Eraqus' Sentiment seeing how he "died" in The Land of Departure and right before his body vanished his heart took shelter within Terra's body. Just like how Kairi's heart hid inside Sora's body before her body vanished. So it's really possible that Eraqus left his Sentiments behind, thus creating Eraqus Sentiment. There are many ways that a Sentment can be created.

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and i remember Eraqus holding his chest right before he died, thats the only way i think he can transform into his armor.


Just because he was holding his chest doesn't mean that made Eraqus Sentment come to being. It's like I said, there are different ways for a Sentiment to be made. Holding your chest doesn't prove anything.

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That is actually Eraqus' Sentiment. Remember, a Sentiment is a lost mind of a person, they are feelings of what is left of that person as well, so they are all that is left of a person. Hence why they have the word "Sentiment" in it. Take Vanitas' Sentiment for example, he was made after Vanitas was defeated, since all Vanitas felt was negative emotions (sorrow,anger, ect) that was what his Sentiment was feeling. So it's most likely Eraqus' Sentiment seeing how he "died" in The Land of Departure and right before his body vanished his heart took shelter within Terra's body. Just like how Kairi's heart hid inside Sora's body before her body vanished. So it's really possible that Eraqus left his Sentiments behind, thus creating Eraqus Sentiment. There are many ways that a Sentment can be created.


I agree with you because in blank points it had Terra talking to Xehanort after the battle of Terra's sentiment.Terra's spirit remained in his body to fight who gets to keep it with Xehanort.Vanitas became one with Ventus.After Terra sentiment used his chained walss on the hill top in the keyblade graveyard Terranort says"Your body submits,your heart succumbs,SO WHY DOES YOUR MIND RESIST?!!!".This quote from Terranort tells about the sentiment.

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I think he is because it apears in the land of departure ang he has eraqus' chain attack


1. Lingering Spirit and a Lingering Sentiment are two different things, keep that in mind.

2. It most likely is a Lingering Sentiment, but we will see.

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Im going to go with no.

it clearly states in the blank points that

Eraqus's spirt is in Terra's heart. Go re watch it.

So thats why i think its not him.

But i could easily be wrong. I bet'cha that im going to be corrected.



ah I didn't say it was his full spirit I said it was his lingering spirit

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That's what it's persumed to be. In Mirage Arena, you face him in a replica of Land of Departure, so it makes sense because Terra's body was taken over at the Keyblade Graveyard and his Lingering Sentiment is at Keyblade Graveyard, while Eraqus was defeted at Land of Departure, so it could well possibly be his Lingering Sentiment.

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That is actually Eraqus' Sentiment. Remember, a Sentiment is a lost mind of a person, they are feelings of what is left of that person as well, so they are all that is left of a person. Hence why they have the word "Sentiment" in it. Take Vanitas' Sentiment for example, he was made after Vanitas was defeated, since all Vanitas felt was negative emotions (sorrow,anger, ect) that was what his Sentiment was feeling. So it's most likely Eraqus' Sentiment seeing how he "died" in The Land of Departure and right before his body vanished his heart took shelter within Terra's body. Just like how Kairi's heart hid inside Sora's body before her body vanished. So it's really possible that Eraqus left his Sentiments behind, thus creating Eraqus Sentiment. There are many ways that a Sentment can be created.


I agree with you because in blank points it had Terra talking to Xehanort after the battle of Terra's sentiment.Terra's spirit remained in his body to fight who gets to keep it with Xehanort.Vanitas became one with Ventus.After Terra sentiment used his chained walss on the hill top in the keyblade graveyard Terranort says"Your body submits,your heart succumbs,SO WHY DOES YOUR MIND RESIST?!!!".This quote from Terranort tells about the sentiment.


Exactly, Mind=Soul basically, after all, humans in this game are generally composed of three things: Body, Heart, & Soul.

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That is actually Eraqus' Sentiment. Remember, a Sentiment is a lost mind of a person, they are feelings of what is left of that person as well, so they are all that is left of a person. Hence why they have the word "Sentiment" in it. Take Vanitas' Sentiment for example, he was made after Vanitas was defeated, since all Vanitas felt was negative emotions (sorrow,anger, ect) that was what his Sentiment was feeling. So it's most likely Eraqus' Sentiment seeing how he "died" in The Land of Departure and right before his body vanished his heart took shelter within Terra's body. Just like how Kairi's heart hid inside Sora's body before her body vanished. So it's really possible that Eraqus left his Sentiments behind, thus creating Eraqus Sentiment. There are many ways that a Sentment can be created.


It's not a Lingering Sentiment. That was bad translation.

It's a lingering Spirit.

Nobody seems to ever notice that



Anyways, you're stating a bunch of guesses as absolute fact.

The fact of the matter is that that Lingering Spirits are mysterious, and we don't really know how they're formed. The two Lingering Spirits we've seen so far have been completely different: While one was a monotone version of its original self, the other was simply a persons armour come to life.

In short, a Lingering SPIRIT is not a persons mind, it is their spirit, that happens to linger. It's also worth noting that it's debatable whether Vanitas' Spirit is canon, since he can be fought while the real Vanitas is alive and well.

(Of course everybody is now going to say that VS is important because it's a secret boss, and because he has the 'exact same' keyblade as the MF)

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