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It depended, for the wheel master, the first boss of the game, the only time I could use cure was Aqua's D-link and it took about three hits to kill me. But after that I leveled up a ton and the game was easy. They really should to critical mode with level restrictions for each world similar to the challenge missions in days.

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Well, its all really easy til you get up to the secret bosses.

I just did a different ppaly though on beginer (i did my 1st on crit.) and you have SOO much more HP. When VLS hits you, you dont get redused to one HP :l

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Not really. But then again, it doesn't matter how difficult the game is if you're just going to spend a ton of time grinding at the beginning of the game and being overlevelled the entire way through.


Reminds me of how anal I was being during my first playthrough of BBS. I had to keep paying attention to my current status to make sure I was actually between level 28-30 when I faced the final boss, like the developers said. It was troublesome.

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It was really easy for me. I had it for about a month when I beat it, but all things considered: I was only able to play it on the weekends and I was also on this site, so, technically, I beat the game in 8 days.

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nah Critacal mode wasnt that hard. i actually dont bother the game in other modes except KH1 and CoM all the other ones straight last mode

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nah Critacal mode wasnt that hard. i actually dont bother the game in other modes except KH1 and CoM all the other ones straight last mode


Critical Mode's not that hard..... unless you're suiciding and getting raped by Trinity Armor in Radiant Garden because of a Level 1 run....

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