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Before you read: I live in italy but im moving to america cause my grandparnets ask me and I been reading up on Obama and stuff and I don't agree whats hes doing to this country.


You think Obama is doing good? I don't think he is. (Bring on the flamers)

He wants to do socialized medicine which is just gonna put America more in debt and like America needs that. Also the stimulus package is gonna be bad for are grand childeren cause they will have to pay it back. He said wants to release the prisoners from Guantanamo Bay why so they can go out and kill more americans. "Change We Need" not this change Obama. I think McCain would be a better president he has more experience and hes been a senator for over 20 years Obama been one for 3 years.


P.s Before you flame me saying I have no right to diss your president cause im not from here matter of fact I do Im now legally a Citizen of America Welcome to your new American :) <3

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-flails arms and tackles- THANK YOU!!!! o.o


He's done a bit more things...that I think haven't helped us much... and to be honest I didn't think any of the candidates were great.... but I mean.. I don't like anything Obama has done at all. -. -


o-o You have your own right to discuss our president, considering you'll be moving here, and will be/is a citizen of the USA <3 8D

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I agree.We voted for mccain at 9:00,we got back at 10:00,then we found out Obama won.I was so pissed.I was like "All that trouble for nothing..."cause we couldnt find our neighborhood's voting booth.

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i agree about the obama thing....

i honestly dont like obama and the things he's doing!

and like how GDS said.....

america is in enough debt already and we don't need more than we already have :)

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I agree.We voted for mccain at 9:00,we got back at 10:00,then we found out Obama won.I was so pissed.I was like "All that trouble for nothing..."cause we couldnt find our neighborhood's voting booth.


a=Aww man that must of sucked your vote was useless pretty much, oh well, im surprised I haven't been flamed or yelled at. lol. <3

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Sorry you're about to be,I actually like Obama,well cause of his historical influence....My friend Jeni was acused for being racesist when we were voting at our school....She voted 4 Obama too....Okay now i'm gonna get off before you guys start yelling at me....

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Sorry you're about to be,I actually like Obama,well cause of his historical influence....My friend Jeni was acused for being racesist when we were voting at our school....She voted 4 Obama too....Okay now i'm gonna get off before you guys start yelling at me....


Can you explain his, "Historical Influence?" I don't quite understand. <3

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Well, welcome to the US GDS!


I'm pretty much the same as kairiwilson, I usually stay away from the news b/c all it does is depress me. so I put myself under the rock :P I can not believe that Obama is trying to do the whole "socialized medicine" crap!!!! All i got to say about him being president is, "Only 3 1/2 more years, and we get new people to run the country!!" There's no way in HECK that he's going to be re-elected! Like, didn't he promise he'll do soooo many good things for this country and he really hasn't done anything good? Any time i see him on the news, I'm like, "Cheese, i just don't care anymore what he says anymore. It's always crap!" Don't get me wrong, I don't HATE the man, i just HATE his way to run this country that i live in.


Sorry PrincessToriAlly15 for my ranting on the guy u voted for. I'm not judging u or anything....i just....ughs, idk! I get touchy around this subject :dodgy:

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Obama Is going to make old people die with his "Obama Care" which doesn't really care about anyone and I don't want old people to die in there 50 or 60 that just madness if they get sick Obama's not going to help he's just gonna watch them die slowly :P:( sadness *crys for old people*

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hey i understand how everyone feels. believe i voted for obama as well and i do like him as our president. healthcare is the one thing that alot of people feel touchy about well im going to dissappear too so please don't kill me (runs)

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your stupid obama rules the world cause he is black, he is awesome cause he is black, he doesnt have to do anything but be black for people to love him, he is just another chocolate bar i would want to put into my mouth!

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your stupid obama rules the world cause he is black, he is awesome cause he is black, he doesnt have to do anything but be black for people to love him, he is just another chocolate bar i would want to put into my mouth!


How you think he became president? <3

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