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Disney Plus Spoilers Chat

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not necessarily on the AoS thing. It's never explicitly stated if they branched from the MCU timeline. It's sort of in a limbo right now for the writers to decide if they want to make it canon or not
The last reference to MCU was Thanos landing in Infinity War, and then they definitely branch off into a different timeline where they're stuck in a loop. After fixing that loop, they're plucked out of the timeline and put into the past, where they branch off again. BUT at the end of the series, they use the quantum realm to return to their original timeline, so if they want to make AoS canon they just have to say they made it back. If they don't, then yeah they branched off when they used the quantum realm and made it to a "new" timeline

plus we keep getting rumors of coulson and daisy returning just like we've been hearing about daredevil so im personally hoping they make a comeback, probably for secret invasion. though again its just a rumor so my expectations are low lol

if nothing else, i at least hope daisy is recasted as quake but isn't the same one from AoS. she played the role amazingly

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i just have my doubts about agents of shield, since apparently feige hates it (or someone who's involved with the movie universe, i don't remember for sure). they likely wouldn't want anything to do with it aside from coulson himself, and the only good way they could bring him back would be via multiverse (assuming they don't "include" the whole show as an alternate universe)

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I am pretty confused about agents of shield. I don’t think it stayed with the marvel canon past the end of season 5 (especially since the snap apparently did not happen)

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they didnt say the snap didn't happen, they just didn't mention it when they got back in S7. it's them leaving it out on purpose bc they themselves arent sure if it should be part of canon lol

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well, that's the thing. Thanos landing was mentioned, and then immediately after was when they were pulled into another timeline with the time loop

and by the time they finally get back to their "original" timeline, it had been a few years already

2018 was the snap, 2020/2021 is when they get back

its all very circumstantial i agree

but there's currently nothing proving or disproving them being canon right now

like i said in my other post they can decide based on the road they mapped out if they'd like them to be canon

and in the end if they decide they want AoS canon and dont want to deal with plot holes, multiverse is now in full effect in this phase

just pluck the chars they want into MCUverse

same goes for all the shows now lol

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