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The Organization: Ultimate RP

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"But... " Demyx whispered. "He was the only one who listened without yelling at me." He cried shamelessly. "Guppy-breath doesn't show any signs of caring... Just like Xiggy." He shot an angry sad look at Xigbar upon mentioning his name.

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Demyx rocked on his bed. "B-but there was only one sharkbait!" He wailed pitifully. "If someone killed you, would you want Xemnas to go out to find another Nobody? No one else would fit your shoes like you do..." Demyx's voice trailed off.

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"Well of course no one would fit in my shoes!" Larxene ranted,"I've got teeny feet!" Irritably, like always, Larxy grabbed Demyx by the cloak and portalled outside the castle.


(OOC: I'ma draggin' you around. xD)

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Demyx struggled to stay on his feet. "Larx!! Where are we going..." He didn't really want to move around. He still wanted to sulk till Sharkbait came back to him.

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Larxene had portalled to the entrance of the castle and dropped Demyx carelessly on the ground. "I don't know how you caught your heartless friend last time...so...go heartless friend hunting or whatever you'd call it." Larxene shrugged and started walking back towards the castle.

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Demyx cried. "But... He caught me!" After sniffling a little, he stood up and wandered the entrance way, looking over the edge of where he was at. He sat back down, and looked at his feet. Perhaps I am just being silly... NO! That can't be... Where would I be without the hope that I can tell someone my feelings and still feel like I won't get hurt... He shook his head, gaining new strength to hope.

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Xaldin noticed that Larxene had returned and walked toward her from the kitchen while he ate his sandwich. "How did settling Demyx go?" Xaldin said with a slight chuckle.

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Xigbar was concerned about Demyx but he couldn't stand being around Larxene, infact when Xigbar really thought about it the only Organisation members that could put up with her were Marluxia and Roxas.

When Larxene came into the living Room Xigbar got up and announced part of his plan. "Well I'm bored out of my wits, I think l'll go down into the city below and get in some target practice on the Neo-Shadows" Xigbar greeted Xaldin and Larxene goodbye "Oh and I'll take a couple of Snipers and a few Dusks with me, okey-dokey?"

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Larxene was having the strangest dream. It involved a turkey leg, and toy car, hand sanitizer, and a turtle. After the infamous cookie monster appeared, Larxene woke up screaming and ran out of the room.

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Xaldin stared at Larxene when she ran out of the room. Xaldin returned Xigbar's greeting. And headed for the kitchen to grab something to drink.

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Demyx decided that he was through with moping, and went down into the city. At least, if things go my way, I might find some company... maybe I can try to take care of a newshadow? He laughed a little more cheerfully as he wandered the dark streets.

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Xigbar was down in the city fighting NeoShadows with the Sinpers and Dusks. "Ok you guys be sure not to kill to many, just hurt them enough so the won't be able to fight back to much when we bring them back to the castle" Xigbar was hoping to find a fairly weak one incase it caused to much trouble at home, just to be sure he was gonna have Vexen use one of his machines to brainwash it into thinking it was a Dancer Nobody.


(OOC sorry for not being on in a while)

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Demyx went around the corner when he saw Xigbar surrounded by Nobodies and Heartless. Crap... He might have seen me already... he thought, slowly backing away. He was about to hightail it out of there when he had a thought. Maybe it would be cruel to be angry at Xigbar for so long... After all, they didn't get into too many fights. Of course, Demyx liked to avoid fighting if possible. He turned back around, and called out to Xigbar.


(OOC Aw, it's all right... I also was absent from the site, due to finals...)

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Xigbar heard Demyx call out to him and responded, "Hey Demyx come here and call some Dancers I'm almost out of Dusk that aren't on missions. Oh and make sure they leave the weaker NeoShadows alone, I'll tell you what to do then"

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Demyx nodded and called some Dancer Nobodies, and sent them to help Xigbar as he himself walked to stand somewhere close to him. "So what is it that you want me to do?" He almost muttered it, but tried to keep cheerful.

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Xigbar didn't want Demyx to know what he was really going to do so he tried to think off the top of his head the best excuse for capturing NeoShadows. "Well... uhm... Vexen wants... the... NeoShadows and.. uh,,,, plans to brainwash them or something for one his many experiments that require little or no explanation whatsoever, like the Exploding Shadows, or Screaming Soldiers and Slimey Hot Rods"

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"Slimy Hot Rods!!!" Demyx grinned from ear to ear. "That's Rock Awesome!!!" He jumped up and down, imagining what kinds of brainwashing experiments would be done to Neoshadows... He turned back to Xigbar. "But, hey Xigbar..." He frowned. "Why do they have to be the same height as Dancers, ya know? I mean, why not Neoshadows who are smaller than Dancers, or Neoshadows who are taller than Dancers?" Something didn't click right, and he couldn't figure it out.

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Demyx smiled. "All right, I think I'm ready now..." He was really curious about what was going to happen.


(Sorry, have been busy with stuff. >.>)

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Xigbar and Demyx walked up to the castle with the NeoShadows weakened and restrained. They went into the living room and Xigbar spoke. "Alright man wait right here and me and the Dusks will take the NeoShadows to Vexen's lab and we'll see what happens, also I'm sorry that you can't find you Heartless"



(It's ok, btw would it be alright if I RP'd Vexen as well for the next few parts or if someone could join in? Just so you know Xigbar is still unaware he killed Demyx's Shadow)

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