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Yeah! Finally more of your progress! I have to make this statement now:

I DO REALLY LIKE THE WAY THE COLOUR DISTRIBUTED (yeah the uneven thing, don't ever make it even!~that'll look ordinary) ESPECIALLY THE HAIR 8D (I didn't image his colour's brown, that's look awesome!) AND JACKET SHIRT (dude, I'm telling you now O_O you are really-talented-at-clothes-don't-ever-break-that-off)

-p.s I can't open the second one


Unimportant notes:

The hand that holds the pencil needs remake, the hand should be larger than the wrist, I know you try to make it bend forward, but you should've make it larger and more proportional. xD The arms are improving! Certainly you took my tips, thank you for that. A bit more on the bending part of the arm that holding pencil though, it's from different perspective view (position) from the other arm so it shouldn't be drawn the same, try to make the elbow's bending point straight line so it won't be in disproportion for the muscle. But I don't know about the excellent correction of it, you should learn directly from someone smarter than me >_.


That's all I want to say for now, tell me quickly if you want this flood of tips to stop, I'll be at your order for sharing drawing knowledge.


-LOL he's a lefty, I guess you are?

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Yeah! Finally more of your progress! I have to make this statement now:

I DO REALLY LIKE THE WAY THE COLOUR DISTRIBUTED (yeah the uneven thing, don't ever make it even!~that'll look ordinary) ESPECIALLY THE HAIR 8D (I didn't image his colour's brown, that's look awesome!) AND JACKET SHIRT (dude, I'm telling you now O_O you are really-talented-at-clothes-don't-ever-break-that-off)

-p.s I can't open the second one


Unimportant notes:

The hand that holds the pencil needs remake, the hand should be larger than the wrist, I know you try to make it bend forward, but you should've make it larger and more proportional. xD The arms are improving! Certainly you took my tips, thank you for that. A bit more on the bending part of the arm that holding pencil though, it's from different perspective view (position) from the other arm so it shouldn't be drawn the same, try to make the elbow's bending point straight line so it won't be in disproportion for the muscle. But I don't know about the excellent correction of it, you should learn directly from someone smarter than me >_.


That's all I want to say for now, tell me quickly if you want this flood of tips to stop, I'll be at your order for sharing drawing knowledge.


-LOL he's a lefty, I guess you are?


Thx! and yes I'm a lefty!

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Yeah! Finally more of your progress! I have to make this statement now:

I DO REALLY LIKE THE WAY THE COLOUR DISTRIBUTED (yeah the uneven thing, don't ever make it even!~that'll look ordinary) ESPECIALLY THE HAIR 8D (I didn't image his colour's brown, that's look awesome!) AND JACKET SHIRT (dude, I'm telling you now O_O you are really-talented-at-clothes-don't-ever-break-that-off)

-p.s I can't open the second one


Unimportant notes:

The hand that holds the pencil needs remake, the hand should be larger than the wrist, I know you try to make it bend forward, but you should've make it larger and more proportional. xD The arms are improving! Certainly you took my tips, thank you for that. A bit more on the bending part of the arm that holding pencil though, it's from different perspective view (position) from the other arm so it shouldn't be drawn the same, try to make the elbow's bending point straight line so it won't be in disproportion for the muscle. But I don't know about the excellent correction of it, you should learn directly from someone smarter than me >_.


That's all I want to say for now, tell me quickly if you want this flood of tips to stop, I'll be at your order for sharing drawing knowledge.


-LOL he's a lefty, I guess you are?


Thx! and yes I'm a lefty!


LOL! Sorry wrong account! My brother needs to learn when he's done to log out

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You had already showed me he second one, and I even said something about the hair.

But now, when I saw that "25th colured" I just tough: Now, you are really painting. The hair in this one is simply fantastic and the shirt was well done too. You have improved a lot from a drawing to the other


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