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RoxAs Is Wise

If you're going to be executed right now what will be you final words?

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I'd quote death note, "From one muderer to another, I'll see you in hell." AND THEN I'D USE THE POWER OF ALL 7 CHAOS EMRALDS AND USE MY SUPER SAYIN POWERZ TO LAZOR BLAST HIM IN THE SCROTUM!!!

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(bringing an old thread back :3)


i would say this

" When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It's when... they are forgotten."

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I would just say: "Imma brownie that can regenerate at any time, and I eat the stuff your puttin into me daily, so I will survive. And when I do, I will shoot them all with the Super Ultra True Final Big Bang Kamehameha into them all" then I would live and do as I said before.

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I would probably say something very meaningful, but before I could finish it I would die anyways, becuase I elaborate too much.

now that i think about it, it probably applies still

i'd get three words out and then get shot in the back of the head

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