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AXEL is number 1 he just blew himself up to get rid of heaps of dusks and how he killed vexen awsome roxas is number 2 only when hes got 2 keyblades and saix is number 3

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Axel is numbah 1 yo~! o=

Then good ol' Zexionnn~ :3

Then Demyxxxx ~ c:

Vexen's cool~! (=

And Xion just rocks~ :333

And who'd forget Roxas~? =>


All in such order~ o:


... >> *coughAxelsthebestcough* ... :3 *tosses cookies to everyone*

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^^ Demyx is awesome! huh? xD And then the rest follows like...










Din-din (I even have a cat named that)


Uh, I'm not missing any am I? xD I don't like Larxy... she's too mean. xD

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English voice? I think the Wendy's voice actress did her voice... Antfish on youtube said that, so... >.> I have no clue about anything else in the game, besides the usual... uh... Ideas. ^^;

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Roxas and

Demyx (: I guess alot of people liek these guys [and some DISLIKE them too xD ]

but yeah, I like them cause, we'll I don't know. They just appeal to me.

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Mine would have to be Axel because his charkrams and he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


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