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Roxas, Axel, and Xion

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Well, seeing as how I've seen posts eveywhere on here and YouTube, I wondered what you all think of them. So, just curious, what do you think of them? Post whatever you like :3.

Here's what I think of them:


Roxas: He was a good friend. He was always curious as he was eager and outgoing. I liked the fact that he wasn't a happy-go-lucky persion and wasn't always desperately wanting friends like Ventus and Sora are. He just wanted to know who he was, where he came from, and how he used the keyblade. Although, I did find his life to be, eh... a little dark though. I mean, his life was straight up screwed. He was used as a "tool" since the day he was born, he lost one of his closest friends, and in the end, he is he is vanished from existence, like as though he never existed. That's just messed up.


Axel: I really liked him. He was one of my favorite organization members. Just don't like how people are calling him "gay" just because he hangs out with Roxas a lot. You know, to tell you the truth I always thought that Reno (from FF Advent Children) was Axel's former self xD. I mean come on, red hair, same personality, and same voice as Axel? I was sure it would be his former self. At least until they showed Lea in BBS. I was disappointed because it sooo would have been cool having Axel's former self be a FF character. But overall, he was a good guy.


Xion: I hated Xion so much. I just didn't like how she looked like Kairi. But I started liking her more throughout the game though. All until that one cutscene that screwed me over. The one where she changed into Sora. That was... akward to me. I remembered when I showed that cutscene to my friend once, boy you should have seen the look on his face when he saw Xion changed into Sora while having a girl voiced. xD it made me laugh so hard. He freaked out so badly. So I explained to him why she looked like that. And I also didn't like that she was always standing tjere at the begging of the game :/. She would always stand there getting in my way.


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Roxas: he was similiar to Terra, in terms of chains of events. His life was pretty much just one big line of bad events. So you have to feel kinda sorry for him. Especially since at the end, all he wanted was him, Axel and Xion to have ice cream again, but that never happened. Personality wise, he's considerate, curious, bright, but not the type that always "looks at the bright side".


Axel: To me, he was the most interesting character. Some things STILL aren't explained about him. He was always pushed the bad stuff to do, so you must imagine if he had a heart, how he would feel.


Xion: She confused me so much, she looked like Kairi, but as the game progressed.I realized how important she was in the story so thus, I began to like her. That final fight with her, on the clock tower, that was by far, the most dramatic battle in KH ever.

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First off sorry in advance if this reply has words that make no sense. I'm typing this on my iPod and auto correct sucks :(...


In my opinion:

Roxas: I like how the game gave us a deeper insight as to why he left. I like how his character developed through out the game from being the "zombie" mindlessly taking orders to someone who questions his own existence (...I hope that made sense) I also like how his relationship with Axel and Xion developed and broke and how it effected him.


Axel: I'm a little biased on him because in my opinion he has to be one of the best organization members. I like how he tried to save their crumbling friendship.


Xion: (I hope I don't get killed for this but...) I personally thought her entire character in herself was unwarranted (I know what you are thinking it cause she likes AkuRoku...wrong I don't like yaoi) I feel like she was kinda of thrown into the game there was really no reason for her. Also and this is just my ranting now... But when she turned into Sora I was completely creeped out and when she made roxas fight with a stick while she got to use the keyblade annoyed me. (xion: hey roxas I can't summon the keyblade can I borrow yours. Roxas: sure xion but what can I use xion: oh here's a stick.... Me:WTF????!!!! how am I susspose to fight off dog like heartless with a stick.

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Roxas: He was definitely the character I felt most sorry for after TAV. As kinda depressing as his existence is though, he is shown to have a comical side in Days, which I liked. I'm glad they didn't make him a total spoil sport.


Axel: My favorite Organization member after Zexion. Even though he is a Nobody, I can't help but feel he has a heart somehow. I mean, even though the other members pretend to have emotions, none portray them like Axel does. With the others, you can kinda tell their emotions are fake, but with Axel, you really feel what he is feeling, like in Days.


Xion:I liked her. I don't understand why some people don't. Without her, there would have been no Days. Had she not been there, there would have been no drama in the Organization, hence no reason for Roxas to question himself. So he would have never left. I really think she is a touching character, only doing what she needs to do. Her leaving was only to help her friends.

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Roxas:Oh boy.Yeah he's cool and he's my personal fav but...... what annoys me is how much "love" Roxas is getting.Look at Sora.He loves only Kairi and Riku.... well brotherly.Roxas technically loves Namine and also Xion due to Kh days.I've also talked to some fanfic fans of kh and they say in their opinion,Roxas also loves Olette.Sorry for the whole rant but I wanted to say that before I go into detail of Roxas.Roxas is a nobody.He shouldn't exist and imo he really shouldn't.Kh 358/2 days had an inevitable ending in which Roxas loses to Riku.Roxas also doesn't think smart.What I mean is in Kh days (I refer to it as days) Roxas and Axel went to CO to search for Xion but even when Roxas does find Xion later on,he never goes back to CO.So much excitement could've happened if Roxas actually went back to CO.Also,near the end of KH 2,Sora hugs Kairi and bows down to Riku.Roxas tells Namine that the to of them could be with each other FOREVER if they went back inside Sora and Kairi.Yeah um.......RoxasXNamine was a bit to forced.


Even though I just ranted Roxas,I do favor Roxas but I wont write that down.Also..... I'll skip Axel and Xion.SRY!:s

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Roxas: I felt really bad for him. People just kept using him for their own purposes and he never really got to make his own descions.

Axel: He tried to be a friend to Roxas, but he was more into the organization. Maybe he should have helped his friend out more that treat him like a puppet.

Xion: She is alot like Roxas, people used her for their own purposes, I think she did what was right.

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Roxas: I've always liked Roxas, he's a really cool guy. I like him 'cause he has different "sides" if you know what I mean. Like he can be sad, determined, curious and even funny. And he's the youngest in the Organization (besides Xion) but he talked to them like they were all the same age and I admired that. Roxas was used his whole life but he kept on fighting.


Axel: I like Axel a lot 'cause he kinda reminds me of me and he has an awesome character. I always feel bad for him when replaying Days 'cause he friendship with Roxas and Xion was torn apart.


Xion: First time I played I liked her but then second and up I really didn't. The thing that pissed me off most was then end when she tries to absorb Roxas, her friend, for Sora, WHO SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! At times she wasn't all that nice to Roxas and I understand she was confused but that doesn't mean it's okay to take it out on the guy who already has a hard life! I could go on and on but I'll stop there.

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