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not for Iong!

l cannot beIieve the better port is on One X
Nintendo rIy just gonna toss out Tooie and have the same fps probIems to boot Imao

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Platinum #11: Gravity Rush 2. I don't really have much to say about this game or the franchise in general honestly. It wasn't good... but it wasn't bad either. It was very disorientating and overly difficult and frustrating at times (franchise in general). As for this specific game... I don't know. The story felt all over the place. It's hard to really explain and I'm not good at this sort of thing. I'm not saying I'm disappointed in buying and playing these games... because I got 2 Platinum Trophies out of them and that feels like a hypocritical contradiction for me to say I regret it. Either way... it was okay? I guess? Tales of Graces f is next and will begin tonight for me. If I'm in the mood I guess

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