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I'm quite sure they will add the hookshot. It was planned for part 1 but got removed because it was too much mobility. But they can technically use it now for travelling in the sky

where you can use it to move from sky island to sky island

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Thank Christ Legends Arceus is actually turning out to be good. Probably the sole thing keeping me from abandoning Pokemon entirely (except for the Mystery Dungeon remake I suppose).

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If they improve the graphics, add more QoL stuff, add more questlines that are less fetch quests then the next game will be freaking amazing. Like the next Pokemon game could be one of the best jrpg's if they put more time and effort into it

I really want a Legends game of Gold and Silver

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Agreed. LA should be the design model going forward for the main series. I see absolutely no reason to go back to...whatever Sword and Shield was supposed to be.

And they should remake Colosseum/XD while they're at it. Those games really deserve a second chance.

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They won't abandon their cash cow structure, though. Legends might be a hit, but it's brand-new, and the old format is a guaranteed money maker for them

So while we can likely expect more games like legends, we should also expect the mainline games to stay more or less the same (for now, at least)

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I wouldn't say From Soft is "above" such buisness practices, any company is capable. But, I really think this is less "Call of Duty gave us some swag and paid for our bosses vacation" and more of "From Soft and Miyazaki worked really hard From the ground up and we respect and love them, and we're too scared to piss off the Souls fanbase".

The Souls games may fall under "so popular the hype makes it overatted territory", but, they've earned that, you know?

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