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Games/Films/TV Chat

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You guys do realize that they're talking about using Blockchain technology as a database of which to store ownership of 'digital goods' right? i.e., copies of game licenses. It's not all overpriced and overhyped bullshit.

This means two things;

1. Game publishers, big and small, might be able to bypass traditional game storefronts like Steam and Epic Games store and sell a digital copy of the game to you directly.

2. It will allow you, the customer to sell your copy secondhand to another person like we used to do with physical games.

This is all quite literally the opposite of what people are complaining about. People have now gotten this warped view of Blockchain and NFTs because a handful of people have abused it for personal gain.

So no, @Daz_4th, their most popular game is not the antithesis to this. It's actually the opposite.

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Furthermore, from actually reading the article. Which I'm sure is more than most people have done. They're actually addressing all these concerns about NFTs rather controversial upbringing. So at least they're aware of what they're doing.

That is what I'm talking about yes. Although that's not what the article itself is addressing. Just what can be done with the technology if implemented correctly.

It's still in its infancy, so that obviously won't be possible already tomorrow. But the way people are viewing Blockchain and NFT technology, any advancement is going to be met by controversy and memes about ugly monkey pics.

Which is extremely unfortunate.

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Yea, exactly. The environmental aspect of blockchain certainly hasn't helped either.

But some Blockchains (Ethereum) are working hard to try and change this.

Indeed. 10 years from now the entire thing will either have faded into obscurity and become one of those "Y'all remember when..." stories...

...or wide-scale adoption will have happened and the initial sceptics will be sitting there never admitting that they used to speak up against it.

The latter is what happened with what we all now know as "The Internet".
Back the the early 90's the internet was just a fad that that people were eventually going to forget about.

...or so they said.

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> Although that's not what the article itself is addressing. Just what can be done with the technology if implemented correctly.

Read what I said

You and me both. Unfortunately we're still not able to predict the future.

But, I guess my main point is that people should at the very least be more neutral to this rather than automatically going "NFTs bad". That doesn't mean they have to jump up and celebrate it either. People are allowed to just sit by and watch what happens.

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