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Its like manufactured consent; they're creating their own problem so they can engineer the desired solution they want and they think we're too stupid to see through it lol

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Lighting and shadows are inconsistent

And apparently you're a bitch to optimize cause NO ONE DOES IT.

(or they just suck idk)

Don't even get me started on the characters models

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there are 2 tempIates
cartoon (crash or fortnite)
reaIistic (edgiest hair you've ever seen)

in N.sane's case tbf, that's not UE4 that's vicarious's own engine
but reignited yeah

weird aImost Iike

idk what to even caII it

windwaker but with opacity reduced

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the FF14 mobile beta started

and FF14 players will go nuclear because of what the mobile version has

the mobile version has all the shit ppl have been asking for years

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BTW... possibly nobody on here will care... but, believe it or not, I just found out about Lost Soul Aside yesterday. How did I not know about it beforehand? I wish I knew that myself lol. Either way... it gives me FF vibes... so consider me intrigued. Sorry...? 😅

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