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I'm guessing this is monster hunter

at Ieast it has a 60fps mode
at Ieast it has a 60fps mode
at Ieast it has a 60fps mode
at Ieast it has a 60fps mode
at Ieast it has a 60fps mode
at Ieast it has a 60fps mode

I'm going to Iose my mind

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🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️I HATE THEM SO MUCH

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Well if games stopped trying to look real all the time and had art styles it wouldnt take so much resource

also they need to stop trying to depend on DLSS to solve all there issues

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Tbh if I'm being serious I think at most it's like, 50/50?

Back when we were kids it was like 70, maybe 80 percent unique art pallet, and 30/20 on the realism

But even back then the realism tried to be "stylized" a la Metal Gear and stuff like Deus Ex, or System Shock.

Problem is, while stuff like that makes it timeless, now a days Realism is equated with "cinematic", and copying reality instead of emulating it, that make sense?

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no we aII need to be garten of banban and have 8 biIIion poIygons

how did those games, MGS2 specificaIIy, even get to 60fps

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