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I think it's totally fair game to be like "this is a firetrucking stupid bad idea for losers" but I think/agree there's a difference between that and being like "just scrap it lmao" I see ur point.

Yes Tea, Kom to us mein bruder- where you can be the Bi icon you deserve to be*

*warning, moving to California may result in massive debt, depression, and smug sense of superiority but with the trade off of baller food and fashion sub cultures

Resident discretion is advised

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it's so firetrucking bad. I know people that work for companies in CA and they don't live in the actual state because it's too expensive 💀

instead they are working only via home office

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Man firetruck you firetruckin mid west guys with your cheese and your weed and your CHRISTIANITY and Conservative parents that has the queerest and or furries known to man kind.

"Hey man the Packers are a good football team"

Thats funny, Jon.

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