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Well it's funny because the vid isn't exactly wrong. It's spot on in some areas but he hones in on some stuff that makes the series feel like more of a meme than it really is. Takes away the gravity of what all those scenarios mean

Which is why I think fans don't like it

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Well exactly. It's easy to poke fun at something out of context and pretend like that justifies poking fun at the entire series. It's hardly an invalid opinion, but it's worth acknowledging that it is an opinion born from ignorance.

I mean, anyone who knows what the line "who will I have I've cream with?" really means can attest to how shallow the memes about it really are.

TL;DR higher quality memes are needed

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they can do the ratchet and clank it just needs to be an original story like some side thing they did

the movie that came out was just the game told in a rushed movie format

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