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SMT 5 had a severe dumb baIancing moment

sometimes hey that's fair a IeveI or two above?
5 IeveIs above? no probIem?
10* wouId be excessive so *Iet's skip straight to 20

not to mention the side-quests were
coIIect this coIIect that taIk to this guy beat that thing

story was compIete ass but ain't no way an atIus re-reIease fixing any of that

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okay my destiny review so far is "gameplay is poggers"

but holy firetruck the game has the same issues as modern WoW

it's probably the most fun shooter gameplay I have ever experienced so far

the hit feedback is really nice

I think it lacks a lot regarding social aspects

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If they ever make Destiny 3 they need to make more something like the intro of FF14 or even the intro of WoW. just throw people into other players. the first time you play FF14 or WoW it's so fun because they immediately throw you after 10 minutes of gameplay into the playerhubs and you see all the endgame players in their endgame gear and degenerate RP players and the first thing you think is "wow this game is firetrucking amazing"

multiplayer games should have to a certain extend a socializing factor and not just a lobby

and I don't talk about clans or guilds

I mean general interaction in the game between the players

that isn't related to combat

just look at this

this is just a streamer but even a normal person gets a similar experience

just with less people

but the fascination stays the same

and that extends also to character creation. character creation not mattering in destiny is such a big mistake

because it removes the connection you have to your character and makes you less invested into the story

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