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the Sokka thing is victim of todays "political correctness" in terms of "we can't show characters being sexist, assholes etc.) and these writers completely miss the point of it. The point being to show flawed characters that learn from their mistakes

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But like

Sokka isn't a firetruckin war criminal or sexual predator

So what the fucj

So what the firetruck

Let him be sexist lmao

It was in the cartoon 20 years ago

oh God that was 20 years ago

I'm so old-

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man I still remember the day after the final episode

I couldn't watch it

and the next day we went to school via public transport

and this one asshole kid yelled spoilers that everyone could hear

this firetrucker


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I feel having those flaws for the character to develop is important to character writing. If anyone says that the sokka change was good they never watched the og

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The side episodes that actually didn't feel that way were amazing development. WHEN YOU CAN WRITE A FICTIONAL ANIMAL GREAT YOU WIN

That's what the og did

I saw who they casted as Mai and I was like sorawut

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