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I don't see the logic here, if anything it would be the opposite. The mindset would be "if Halo and Gears are also going to be on Playstation then I might as well get that so I can play GoW and Spider-man too"

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I'll put it like this, youre right, but thats why I said this:

Soon titles and Exclusives won't be factors that influence buyers; or it will diminish, that is.

It'll be no different that Cell Phones

Which in the long run will kill consoles in the US market by the mid 2030's.

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I don't think consoles will get that bad, I think that will go towards PC

I mean it already is kind of like that

Every year there's a new graphics card that's now top of the line and all that buzz

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Yeah but that's the thing Ot, PC gamers don't want to admit they're like console gamers, they think they're above it

They'll continually, in denial, shift the narrative and goalposts so they don't look bad/don't have to admit things are firetrucked 😭

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