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weII we can't do that since you need the base game known as FF14 to be abIe to pIay said expansions

were they seperate apps maaayyybeeee

but then, that's Iike saying TLOU Left Behind is it's own game (it's 3 hours)

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the FFUnion survey should have been a wake up call. They did a survey with over 10k participants in all subreddits and even the absolute oldschool fans like 7R's action combat more than the previous stuff

it's joever for turn-based FF

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I wonder how this will play in the final game

the combat system will obviously get improved over the time

and also the question if people even want this combat system to continue or if they become tired of it after 3 games

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hard to say, I'd caII upon my experience as a KH fan but

we have not had the same game styIe more than thrice yet

3 command deck games, 3 command menu games

4'II have to teII me

though tbh, I think they're gonna have to make some kinda change to 7R-3's core combat in a way that makes it more evoIved

such as oh idk jumping on command


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is honestIy baffIing to me that 7R-2 has no jumping but stiII has pIenty air enemies

good reason to use barret! but that couId stiII be a reason because they fIy away often too

probabIy yeah
I have this hope that maybe worId interaction wiII be even haIf of what it was in KH1

worIds that feIt Iike worIds and not sets

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junpei be like

"we absolutely destroyed our enemies, didn't we"

and the firetrucking options to reply are

||"we sure did"
"it was no big deal"
"you acted like a weirdo" LMAO||

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