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Hermitcraft is a Minecraft SMP series on youtube

Skizzleman is the coolest minecraft youtuber

I really wanted Skizz to get in, but I thought he might've been too small as he doesn't evben have 100k subs

but he's in there, that's his ass I am seeing there

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ok so Hermitcraft is a bunch of youtubers getting together and playing Minecraft together

this screenshot of day 1 posted by Scar, one of the people in Hermitcraft, clearly shows Skizzleman in the background

hence we can safely assume that Skizzleman is joining this band of youtubers for this season of Hermitcraft

and that makes me happy cause I love Skizzleman

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the persona models in the persona selection look like shit and I highly recommend to not look it up or you will likely explode

they look like ps2 models

which is weird because during combat they look normal

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……you know what

I’II take your word for it and for my own eyes I wiII refrain

oh god not again
they did this with P5S too

why even buy this option? so I can onIy Iisten to it on my PC and nowhere eIse??

this heIps no one, the OSTs gonna be on YouTube anyways
and I have this crazy thing known as YT2MP3

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