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i just want ff to be arpg cause thats the only way to keep me interested. Im only patient with og ff7. yes i know "but theres other non ff arpg games you could play you know ?" but, i was interested since nomura wanted to make his own ff with versus 13 until he didnt. as for arpg, if i had to say, id say make it a blend of infamous, kh, a little bit of dmc, a little dose of god of war. i liked what they did with ff16 and hope they expand upon/improve it a little since they hired the dmc5 combat designer.

its not that i dont want ff to go back to tb but tb had its time in the sun for ff

which was the early 80s -2000s

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KH is still my personal king regarding SE arpg combat. 2 absolutely nailed it in terms of combining all the aspects of the gameplay and 3 absolutely nailed the rpg and build part

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I am happy Yakuza is doing turn based game but I also completely understand any fan of the brawler ones not being a fan of the new direction because it's just the complete opposite

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I just can't see SE improving or changing 7R style combat even more after remake trilogy

shit will get so bloated

with mechanics

and they need to deliver the same combat system or else people will be pissed

and they likely can't do that

due to lack of resources

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for example Xenoblade doesn't have this problem because all the characters share the same build due to the job system

but in 7R all the characters have unique atb skills

unique limit breaks

and all that shit needs to be balanced

In OT2

you can play all 8 party members at the same time during a certain point of the story


and it's so firetrucking sick

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