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Episode 4 of Percy Jackson was one of the few episodes so far that I felt was a good, only issue for this season is the short runtime and pacing.

I dont like some of the changes made from the books either, though they are few.

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Kid friendly Game of Thrones

"Uh Snake HTTYD isn't like Game of Thrones at all, it's just fantasy and Dragons that's it-"

Shut the firetruck up whoever was gonna say it I don't care 😭😭😭

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what is this nonsense

how do these chains have the poIys of a PS4

fixed camera games can get away with so much
Iook at this attempt at gIobaI iIIumination it's incredibIe detaiI

this aII Iooks so IoveIy
I reaIIy wish more games had fixed camera angIes at Ieast sometimes

can't reaIIy do these kinds of refIections unIess you can controI exactIy the amount of environment that needs to be dupIicated

and this Iighting...
it's aII baked-in BUT IT LOOKS SO NICE

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