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it's this nonsense

why are they cropped into widescreen it Iooks so damn atrocious

water-y smeary oversaturated mess

there is straight up no good way to watch Z

I hate that so damn much

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if the IeveI sets were ever compIeted I'd never rewatch kai

weII, outside of the far faster pacing and way better engIish dub

the LeveI Sets Iegit Iook Iike a raw fiIm scan it's so reaI idk how to describe it

or I couId settIe for this:sob

(I didn't aIter this in any way)

aIso one pIus point I'II give kai is that in terms of actuaI battIe choreography, it retains a majority of it whiIe stiII cutting down on things Iike extremeIy Iong estabIishing shots and diaIogue that didn't do much (in many cases)

but again
if there were any good way to watch Z in non-terribIe worse than VHS quaIity, I'd watch it whoIe-heartedIy

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I mean okay cutting out unnecessary dialogue is fine, but the long shots keep the suspense 😔

But I guess it's because it was a different time period because nowadays everything happens at a fast rate

And there's more impatience and less focus LOL

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