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The biggest boost being I assume 14 will run better higher frame rate or something that's a pretty big thing I am thinking of

cuz bozja is fun but it do lag especially the final boss of castrum it makes the cross and circle part impossible

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I hope I can get both consoles. Thankfully I get paid on the 29th so that will go for the Series X. And conviently enough on the 12th I get payed too, so thats for PS5. I just hope I can get lucky on launch days. And of course gotta save some extra money for MoM, might just order that now to be safe

But first time to play Eternal dlc, so hyped.

Even Gamestop reported on the plates, so they might actually be real and safe to buy @-Kye- @Otti#8624

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> Be advised, we haven't sampled these faceplates ourselves, so we can't vouch for their quality or fit. If you want to take a gamble, though, read up on the store refund policy just in case.

From the article

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can i farm the dungeons with my other jobs or do I need to be in the correct job

because random dps sucks and without me as dps anti tower takes like 3 minutes longer laughsinnomura

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