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I am hehe

there are some things I do Iike about the PS5, it's just a better PS4

and a Iot of PS4-onIy games have unIocked fps modes so
the PS5 can take advantage of those

it's nice

Iike inFamous Second Son
very cooI

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it's an improvement in many cases

even FF15 goes from "I can cook a fuII course meaI in the time it's taking" to "a quick gander at my messages"

thankfuIIy they weren't stupid enough to gatekeep that behind a paywaII

...not yet anyways

if you have a USB, you can put your save fiIes there no probIem

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Well, it's basically what I thought it was gonna be- MGS3 with the MGS5 skeleton- they showed more than the opening area so, that tells me it's decently far along. I don't know why they aren't using the Fox Engine though, they own it, and, imo, it makes better environments than UE, but so far so good

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