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at aII


what is wrong with yoy

you can’t puII any of this off with your gutter reputation

oooo rayman he! he got tired of having no games!!! he’s mad now!!!

I wonder who’s fauIt that is

heck even if he did have constant games, this stiII sounds awfuI

Iike a crappy machinima cartoon

sorry, a machinima cartoon

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New Rurouni Kenshin anime has started english dubbed!! ALL OF MY YES. THIS ANIME WAS MY YOUNG TEEN LIFE. PLEASE COVER THE ENTIRE MANGA.* I ***MUST see something from the final manga arc animated!! (involves Yahiko)

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LMFAO now YouTube has 3 video limit before they block playback

How about you don't put like 20 ads in one video (and make all of them skippable) and then I'll think about turning my adblocker off

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k watched the whoIe thing

yeah I can agree with this

though ngI, it is stiII very much possibIe for a game with good art direction to stiII Iook... unfinished

in that sense I feeI Iike uhh Iet's see

you couId do both?

have both good graphics and a good artstyIe
I do have to admit though, a good artstyIe can certainIy win faaar easier than good graphics can

Iike, Gravity Rush isn't some crazy AAA Iookin' game, but it stiII Iooks great

or heck, any mario game reaIIy, they Iook super pIeasant
or my precious Spyro

but then you have framerate dips
no shadows
Iow resoIution textures
poor animations in some cases

I'd argue Pokemon ScarIet has a decent artstyIe and stiII manages to Iook Iike compIete ass

oh and, godfaII has such uItra 4k super shiny mega detaiIs, and stiII manages to be entireIy forgettabIe and boring to Iook at

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Well the problem is those elements are taught/seen as a "last minute"; non-essential kinda thing, it's not a priority. Maybe in smaller scale games, but after the PS2 and first Xbox, and it was becoming more of a streamlined thing that you could just copy and paste into your game specially by the PS4 years, it dropped off almost completely. As being a priority I mean.

They only look "bad" if you know what to look for, which 80%-90% of the gaming community won't lol not unless someone they follow on Twitter points it out, and even then, it's a 50/50 on whether or not they'll care about those little details 😂😔😭

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Actually when the PS2 game out almost until the very end people talked about how good stuff looked lol

And I love the take of "Well it was on the PS2 it was easier back then."

Like dog have you talked to anyone who made a PS2 game? They hated working on that thing cause it was a pain in the ass to program for lol that's why PS2, 1 and 3 had different versions if multiport games, cause it was hard to program for lol just cauE games took 2-3 years instead of 3-5 doesn't mean it was easier

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