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not happening Imao

idc bro ya'II throw at minimum 4 ads per 10 minutes

if I'm reaIIy desperate to watch a youtube video
I'II downIoad the thing I'm feeIing incredibIy uncooperative

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I usually turn off adblocker on channels I like, but on channels with questional youtubers? honestly firetruck them. They don't deserve any form of ad money

smartest way is to watch youtubers you like reacting on these type of videos

YouTube blocking adblockers would be a big L

I also don't want to see ads related to politics

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firetruck it. I use it in all channels. I refuse to support YouTube’s shitty business model.

I also just really despise ads. Completely ruin the viewing experience.

They were bad enough on cable, taking up about a third of everything you watch. Now YouTube’s bumped it up to at least 50%!

And for what? To get marketed to about a product I have zero interest in for the 5000th time???

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don't you want uhhh

when I'm watching a crime documentary
or a spooky video

I REALLY wanna be reminded of this deIicious American StyIe®️ butter I can purchase right now for my famiIy

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tried to play WoW again and searched for some tips and all I get is full doomium 💀

"the game is dead" "don't even bother"

what the firetruck has blizzard done. The main content of the game performs that bad?

that's really firetrucking bad holy shit

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XIV player numbers are surprisingly fine considering that this expansion has almost no replayable content except for raids

replayable content died for FF16

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it's good for a mmo, bad for WoW

WoW numbers shouldn't be that low

apparently the reason why the numbers are so low is because Blizzard listened to people who want to play WoW like a fulltime job. They made healing so hard that no one wants to play healer and the dungeons in this season suck

which means that no groups will be formed due to the lack of healers

-> people stop playing the game because they can't play the main content

FFXIV has the same issue where hardcore players are very vocal about changes but Yoshi P doesn't give a shit and tells them to stfu

XIV made the same mistake in the last raid tier. They made healing so hard that no one wanted to play healer in raids

Blizzard devs should be more confident and tell people that they are wrong and don't know what they want

players aren't always right

I'd say in 80% of all cases they are wrong

because they think what is fun for them and not for the majority of players

Asmongold has a really nice quote regarding this "Don't give the players what they want. Give them what they need"

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i think it's just mmo players finding better alternative to spend their time

unless you want to clear the hardest content on release there is no reason to play all year long

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this isn't right

a 2001 game isn't supposed to have such attention-to-detaiI shaders I forbid it

(underneath a bIue sky, the shade is IikeIy to cast a shadow of bIue hue, hence sonic Iooks more bIue than bIack)

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