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I don't think this has any reaI spoiIers but juuust in case



rwby thing

apparent crossover

this characterization is so bad

for the DC characters that I actuaIIy thought this was some of the in-universe characters were just pIaying dress-up 💀


I'm sorry I know this is Iike, an indie studio and aII but
how do you exist and animate for over 10 years
and your Iatest season is just as sad to Iook at as your first

it was charming back then to see cIips of it but now it's more sad than anything

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might Iook better than season 1, but it stiII Iooks Iike ass 💀

though, I haven’t done a comparison between the first and most recent sooo

gimme a min

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i mean, you know that he wasn't the only one behind that vision, right? lots of people don't know that the current writers were involved in that, too, and that monty was more involved in the coolness aspect of things. people like to say the show went downhill after his passing even though that's not the full story

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I feeI Iike I owe them an apoIogy

Season 1 is npc animations gaIore
Season 9 is Iow budget PS2 game

honestIy my biggest gripe with the appearance of it is the atrocious ceI shading

fire embIem three houses Iookin ass

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That's what my friends told me at least, the animation didn't peek my interest either but who knows, now that I got to watch a bit more anime I could give it a 2nd try

I'm always open to changing my mind about something after all, at least from negative to positive

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that's a good way to approach things

whenever i see that sort of thing elsewhere (like, communities i'm not a part of), it always seems so disingenuous. it's like, they think they have the best argument for why they don't like the show, even though they're factually misinformed. then when presented with the facts, they can't be mature about it and come up with another reason for disliking it. like, look at daz: he can easily say he doesn't like the animation, and no one could tell him he's factually misinformed because it's legitimately a subjective opinion

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I did hate shrek forever after as a kid and now I'm one of 10 people on the planet who see it as a masterpiece

Yeah not making your opinion look like a fact goes a long way after all

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