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yeah absoIuteIy

it feeIs Iike window dressing with no substance, because weII
sonic has nothing to say about these environments.

it's just "omg it's Iike that pIace l know about"

it's a smaII thing but considering it's the onIy thing he says, it shows how IittIe there is to these environments

the most l remember is sonic pointing out things in the distance in terms of importance, usuaIIy in a way that's game-ey
Iike "those ruins Iook pretty important" or "that tower'II probabIy give me a great view"

very game-Iike hints

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"l'm sure we'II run into him again"

do that and no one wouId be okay with it
cIassic sonic meeting modern sonic is currentIy on a required 10 year cooIdown

any resurrection before that point wiII be met with sorrow

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