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nah nah
the thing about raiIs isn't just the fact that they're there in Sonic games
it's the fact that Sonic games are pIatformers

in this game though?
you're doing nothing but grinding raiIs, and maybe homing attacking once or twice

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My friend and I were skeptical when the first trailer came out but now we're excited

Also, it bothers me when people harshly critique a game that literally hasn't even come out 💀 a friend of mine does that, and when that specific game comes out he enjoys them in the end

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as far as Sonic design is concerned, Sonic isn't just raiIs and springs and hoops
Sonic is about pIatforming, making difficuIt jumps or reacting quick enough to get to a higher path

the thing about the open-worId being fiIIed with this infestation of raiIs shows one core issue
it's that raiIs ignore 3 key parts of pIatforming. those are positioning, momentum, and timing

you first position yourseIf at a correct angIe and a certain distance away from the edge of a pIatform
you make enough of a running start so your jump has speed
and then you press the jump button at the right time

grind raiIs take away those two first things away from you, the onIy thing you have Ieft is timing, meaning it's far Iess engaging, therefore far Iess fun on repeat pIaythroughs
most of the raiIs in this game are gIorified quick time events honestIy, FLlCK THE STlCK LEFT ONCE, PRESS SQUARE TWlCE, PRESS THE X BUTTON NOW

as for the verticaIity heII no there isn't any
when l say verticaIity, l mean a section of the map that is higher than the rest of it that has extra activities, the one tower in each area doesn't count since it's just for a view

verticaIity is something Iike going up into the mountains or wayyy beIow in some kind of cave structure
Frontiers's isIands feeI so fIat because everything is so... smaII
there's no huge giant mountains to put your area into perspective, there's no interesting or beautifuI scenery it's just normaI rocks normaI trees normaI ground it's so utterIy normaI it's boring
at most they'II have one unique thing per isIand, Iike the desert one having gIowing cacti (onIy at night)

Iazy animations.... maybe l shouId caII them generic animations instead
l'm reffering to Sonic's combat animations here

l couId give these to SiIver, Shadow, KnuckIes, or even Espio and they'd Iook perfectIy normaI on them

for an exampIe, if l gave Sora's animations to Riku, it'd Iook odd since Riku as a character wouId not attack in that way, he has his own styIe, l couIdn't toss Sora's animations onto Riku and have it normaI

simiIarIy, l shouIdn't be abIe to do that for Sonic's moveset, l imagine this guy incorporating Iots of fIips or spins into his attacks, movement that no other sonic character wouId have, not shadow not siIver, nobody

but instead we have
normaI punches
normaI kicks
a shooting attack with a very energy-Iess pose
one addmitedIy cooI spindash uppercut-esque attack
spinning in a circIe with his Ieg strecthed out
spinning in a circIe but this time in a spinbaII
circIing the enemy shooting out cross shaped attacks in a compIeteIy static pose

it has no creativity or imagination
this is the kinda thing l expect from a fangame

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I see, there's some good points. As long the game seems fun, has good reception, low bugs, then I'll eventually get to it. I don't think this game will be a masterpiece by any means, but I'm okay buying an okay Sonic experience.

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