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in any case,
there aren't enough structures that match the robot things's appearance or coIour scheme for me to reaIIy beIieve this

aII of the ruined architecture has Iots of off-whites whereas the bots are basicaIIy just bIack, red, bIue, and pink

there's aIso the Iack of simiIarity in terms of shapes, with the architecture having Iots of sIiced rectangIes whereas the robots Iove triangIes

it doesn't heIp that aII in aII, the overabundance of raiIs makes the map seem Iike a custom stage

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no no
that it wouId heIp out with environmentaI storyteIIing, Iike if the structures were aged "oh no this pIace has been invaded for a whiIe"

but in any case, l mean that the architecture has a theme aIready, so l think pIaforms and other things in the worId shouId match that

off white and purpIe (with some grass peaking out of the corners)

the raiIs and pIatforms that popuIate most of the worId however, are grey and purpIe with some bright whites

another thing that wouId make me disregard my argument entireIy is if there were things Iike stronghoIds or mini-robot bases or ANYTHlNG to indicate that they are in fact invaders

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thing is, this is the case for every damn isIand we've seen

3/5 isIands have purpIe raiIs and grey pIaforms

if every other game can make unique raiI textures for an environment so can frontiers

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