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and also

games are outgrowing discs I think

but I also worry about digital ownership

but then It's also nice to be able to boot up a game instantly

I'm torn af

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> ? good luck playing those games when it’s 2045, switch doesn’t exist anymore, you lost your account info, lost your switch and you have to buy a switch on eBay.
@moon☁ by the time it’s 2045 we prolly gonna be emulating everything under the sun and I might not even need my consoles anymore

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Otherwise I'm not really opposed to it, I'm just very torn all the time as to if I should buy a game digitally or not lol. If I really love a game I like having a physical copy to cherish

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I guess having all your games on a portable hard drive is neat and all, and has it's pros, but I guess l like having games on a shelf like they're books

I'd say same but I'm kind of like scott the woz

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Yeah, I think that's it. I think I like collecting and having a collection. I think that's part of the fun for me even though I also can see the pros of digital

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But if I were buying games just for me I prolly would have a lot more discs but it’s just been so convenient that my brother and I can buy any game and we both have it y’know?

We used to have to buy the same game twice all the time and our parents just hated having to do that and so too did we grow to get tired of asking for two of the same game

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Oh yeah I totally agree. I think some people's situations are better suited to digital

Luckily my bro would let me play his games, watch him play, couch-co op, etc, and that was what we bonded over

When he moved out I suddenly realised how many games I needed re-purchase lol

But those were games close to my heart, so I didn't really mind

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I mean yeah we had to do that for YEARS like we bonded over stuff like halo and gears all the time but I mean after awhile when we stopped sharing rooms and he got older and I got my own 360 we both wanted to be online and have a screen to ourselves

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