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wait what

since when was FighterZ on PS5?

l know it's been on Series X for a whiIe but

okay cooI

can't imagine any improvements beyond 4k, but that aIone is nice l guess

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It took me much longer than it probably should have... but I finally* finished Tales of Graces f last night. I can't say that much tbh. The story was actually pretty good. At first. After the first 10 hours or so though... it plateaued. So everyone was right about that. Unfortunately. It didn't matter though. *At all*. The gameplay made up for it in *spades. It was so god damn good and so god damn fun. Probably the best Tales of system I've seen since Berseria. I wish more Tales of were like this. It even overcome my all time favorite. But that was literally the only one I played before now lol. Now I feel like even more of a fool. Oh well I guess. It was even the best game I played this year outside of Xenoblade 2. But I haven't exactly played a lot of 'good' games this year so that says more than it really should. Take that however you want. Anyway... I definitely recommend it. It needs to be experienced for the gameplay alone. I don't care that it's stuck on PS3/Wii. But do whatever obviously. Next up for me... Pain and Suffering Crash 4

Here's my updated Tales of list I guess:
Graces f
Symphonia 2

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hey if the PS5 version gets a physicaI reIease with aII dIc l'II buy it

l highIy doubt that's gonna happen but you know

l can hope

especiaIIy since they confirmed they aren't gonna update the game much anymore

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