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I can understand that; Square's an institution. They're not the kind to follow someone else's rules. Hell they can barely follow their own rules lol

then again I'd like to make some money on their stock

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Nah with ceo trying so hard to push nft anything either new management or gotta get someone bigger to control and stop stupid decisions like that

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l remember someone posted about it here

but there was no discussion had

so yeah Square Enix
Banger games
Banger music
Banger merch

stupid decisions

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I’m going to hush over Code Vein.

Without trying to spoil anything.

The character customization is so good. I made Dark Riku in it.

And the combat is so nice holy shit.

There’s also a cutscene close up, Genshin Impact style, if you manage to parry your enemies’ attacks at the right time. Which is how I got these screenshots.

BUT, this game is also super difficult once you get to the Cathedral of Sacred Blood and the firetrucking. What’s it called.

It’s where you meet Mia and I can remember it, but I died there tones of times.

Man, I love Code Vein.

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Is anyone surprised?

Overtime and crunch is (sadly) industry standard but Disney does that shit on the regular- have for decades.

Everyone knows, no one cares enough to stand up for them. Who wants to try and fight Disney? Certainly not Marvek fans "eating well" with these MCU movies.

Video game companies are some of the worst offenders, but, gamers only care about the games.

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aw whattt


it's Iegit horribIe

it takes a Iot of courage to actuaIIy come out about this kind of stuff, cuz if you do, you couId Iose your job

it's such shit man

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