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Man RWBY: Ice Queendom Episode 4 is the most creative thing to come out of the show and its not even canon. So many unique and intriguing ideas of going through of just what Weiss thinks but visually, all great stuff.

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okay damn

can't wait for 4 to make the super jump to 200

okay l said that as a joke but dude
the moment a game comes out and peopIe say it's story wiII be 200 hours nah bro

l Iegit thought 150 was the 100% time eesh

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Apparently the side quests are really good this time

no real fetch quests but more story quests this time

like the blade quests in xc 2

just without the annoying gacha element

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l appreciate the see through mode thing

very very handy

but damn that means it'II have a camera on it




l have a hard time not getting a headache at 60fps why wouId l want to pIay or view something at 24

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